Deposition of Oliver Smith
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:47 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 285r
(follows the deposition of Oliver North on the same page)
Oliuer Smith late of Crahord in the County of Cavan yeoman duely sworne and examined before vs by vertue of a Comission vnder the broade seale of this Kingdome to vs and others directed beareing date &c. deposeth & saith. That he knewe the aboue named Anthony ffirboord & his brothers John and Thomas ffirrboord to be men of considerable estate & quality in both Countyes of Cavan and ffermanagh and that in both Countyes they lost noe lesse then what is aboue expressed by the said North ffor to this examinats knowledge besides their goodes and chatles in houshouldstuffe Corne Catle lynnen wearing apparell & leases, they were possessed of an estate of Inheritance woorth one hundred pounds per Annum, soe that the same being rightly valued together with their personall estate, it doth amounte to one Thousand fiue hundred pounds or therabouts, and soe much he beleeues in his Conscience to be true. And further he cannot depose
Oliver [mark] Smithes
Jurat coram nobis 22o Junij 1647
fol. 285v
Richard Northes examina=
tion taken 22o: Junij 1647
C. Cavan