Deposition of Christopher Barnewell
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:18 AM
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fol. 20r
Christopher Barnewell of Rath hesker sworne & examined
Sayth that aboute Hollontide last Collonell Bryan McMahoone came into the Countie of Lowthe & at his the sayd Colloes cominge and by his direction there was a generall meetinge of all the freeholders and gentlemen of the sayd Countie {there} on the Hill of Tollogh Easker at which meetinge it was declared by the sayd Collonell that most of the Nobillitie & genterey of the kingedome was priviue to the present Rebellion and there at that meetinge all the genterie and freeholders of the sayd Countie of Lowthe agreed to ioyne with the sayd Collonell & for preparation of the business they then agreed to meet at the foresayd place aboute three dayes after & every man was by appointment to bring them all the power he could make which for the m o o st accordingly was done And at the sayde s econd meetinge there were Collonells O fficers & Captaynes appointed by the consent and agreement of the whole Countie { }
fol. 20v
The examinant was appointed Collonell Bartholmew Saint Lawrence of C ru stowne liuetennant Collonell William Warren of Cosshelstowne seriant maior Stephen Dowdall of Killellie Captayne Will Plunkett of Bewley Captayne Stephen Clynton of Porte John Varden of Clon- moore Ihon Babe of Darver Walter Whyte of Balreyen Patterick Garland of the Water Henry Garnan of Myltowne John Bellew of Willestowne Ihon Stanley of Marlestowne
Rob: Meredith
fol. 21r
fol. 21v
Christopher Barnwalls Examination