Examination of Christopher Barnwall

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=834028r021] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:18 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-05-02
Identifier: 834028r021


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Louth & Monaghan
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Confederacy
Commissioners: Robert Meredith
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 28r


The Examination of Christopher Barnwall, of Ratheskin in the Countie of Lowth, taken the second day of May 1642. Before me Chancelour of his Maiesties Court of Exchequer By direction of the right honnorable the Lords Justices & Councell
<A> Who beeing sworne & Examined saith, that vpon the ffirst comeing of Collogh McMahowne Brian Torlagh Oge รด Neale, & Collonell Hugh Birne with others of the Northern Rebells into the Countie of Lowth, they the said Rebells possessed themselues of all the Armes, which they could finde in the gentlemens houses of the said Countie, & sent warrants as this Examinant was enformed, that all persons from sixteene to threescore, within the said Countie, <B> should appeare att Tullagh hosker, within ffoure daies after which accordinglie was done by sundry. But the meeteing not beeing then full: Itt was concluded vpon that two <1.> daies after there should bee annother meeteing, held att the place aforesaid, when & where there mett with the aforesaid Northeren Rebells, Mr Stephen Dowdall of Killbrew Killellow, Mr Isaac Verdon of Clinmore, Mr Christopher Saint Lawrance of Crucetowne, John Stanley <C> of Marleston, William Plunckett of Bewley William Moore of Barmeath, Peeter Clinton of Dowdestowne, John Tath of Brogenstowne, & his Eldest sonne Christopher, Patrick Garland of the Walter, & his eldest sonne, Patrick Garland of Maine Nicholas Plunckett of Castlelaine, Rowland Stanley of Gallstowne,

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<D> James Plunckett of Carrstowne John Balie of Darver John Plunckett of the Baine, John Drumgoole Joh of Drumgoolestowne, John Drumgoole of Welshestowne, Roger Garland of Staleimon, Clinton of Drumcashell, Nicholas Clinton of Irishtowne, Henrie Garland of Miltowne, Mr Chamberlaine of Neeseleath John Bellew of Willestowne, him this Examinant, & seuerall others <E> whom this Examinant cannot remember. Att which tyme the said gentlemen agreed vpon Captaines and Officers to governe the fforces of the said Countie, which should ioyne with the Armie brought thither by the Northern Rebells, & to that purpose this Examinant, was then appointed for a Collonell. And the aforesaid Stephen Dowdall, John Verdon, William Plunckett, Patrick Garland of Moyne, John Stanley or his Sonne John Bale, <F> Patrick Gerland or his sonne John Tath of Braganstowne or his sonne, Nicholas Plunckett, Henrie Garland, Thomas Cappock of Ardee, Christopher Saint Lawrance, John Drumgoole of Welshestowne, one Clinton, who was Lewtennant vnto Sir Christopher Bellew, & who brought from the said Sir Christopher a Companie of men for the service, Nicholas White of Richardstowne, for his <G> for his ffather, Stephen Clinton of Porte for his ffather Clinton of the Walter, Bartholomew Saint Lawrance Leiutennant Collonell, & William Warren of Cashellstowne, Seriant Maior, with were all of them then likewise appointed for Captaines. And for the maintenance of the Armies, aswell those of the Countie of Lowth, as of the North, there were Collectors appointed to bring in & raise Beeues

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throughout the whole kingdome Countie, vpon euerie <H> plough Land, & for bread, the Protestants Corne & haggarde served, & to spare. And this Examinant farther saith that the Collectors appointed in the Barronie of fferrart for that purpose, were Rowland Stanley of Gaulestowne, and James Plunckett of Newhouse his assistant; Collectors appointed for the Barronie of <I> Ardee, were John Drumgooleston, & Roger Garland of Stolloiman his assistant, ffor the Barronie of Lowth, were appointed John Plunckett of the Bawne. And for the Barronie of Dundalke, were appointed for Collectors, Christopher White of Ballyboy, and one other for the vpper part of the said Barronie, whom this Examinant cannot remember, which Armie soe <K> gathered together, & commanded as aforesaid, lay on the North side of the Towne of Drogheda, and beseidged the same. And this Examinant saith that hee heard the Northeren Rebells again often saie, that most of the Lordes & great ones of the kingdome, were interested in this buisenes, meaneing the present Rebellion

Chris: Barnewall
Rob Meredith

fol. 29v

2 May 1642
The Examination of Christopher Barnwall of Ratheskin

Ex: 111

Deponent Fullname: Christopher Barnwall
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent County of Residence: Louth
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Collogh Brian, Torlagh Oge , Hugh Birne, Stephen Dowdall, Isaac Verdon, Christopher Saint Lawrance, John Stanley, William Plunckett, William Moore, Peeter Clinton, John Tath, Christopher Tath, Patrick Garland, Patrick Garland, Nicholas Plunckett, Rowland Stanley, James Plunckett, John Balie, John Plunckett, John Drumgoole, John Drumgoole, Roger Garland, * Clinton, Nicholas Clinton, Henrie Garland, Mr Chamberlaine, John Bellew, John Verdon, Christopher Bellew, Nicholas White, Stephen Clinton, Bartholomew Saint Lawrance, William Warren, Rowland Stanley, James Plunckett, John Drumgooleston, Roger Garland, John Plunckett, Christopher White
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate