List of losses
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 01:17 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 53r
Com Monoghan
Isabell Reinolds1410000
Ann Hooton1430000
John Ramsey3200000
William Grave2400000
William Racy1390000
William Grave5300000
Lawrence Knowles2441000
Joane Dusbery
Henry Steele550000
Sir Henry Spotswood55800000
Samuell Coren pro: duo He: Spotswath000000
Robert Browne601400
Mary Marcroft830000
Elizabeth Holliwood3000000
William Bishop
Hugh Culme3320000
John Montgomery15920000
Henry Calladine3360000
Elizabeth Northop2500000
Katherin Allen245___00___00
Martha Culme00____00____00
Roger Holland1182__00__00
Edmund Keating ex parte Elizabeth Holland450___00___00
Joseph Bury460___00___00
Charles Cambell120200___00
Alexander Creighton547____6___8
Dorothy Ward168___00___00
Robert Boyle15200000
Beside the yerely estate amounting to 200 li. per annum
Geo: Cottingham8520000
Henry Reed1840000
Joane More20400
Katherin Bellow1368
John Coren pro duo Sir Hen Spotswood milit 0000
fol. 53v