Deposition of Robert Boyle
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:42 AM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 98r
Robert Boyle Cleark viccar of Carrickmagherosse in the Countie of Monoghan sworne and examined deposeth & sayth That on the xxiijth of October Last past, Owen <a> รด Morphy of Tullenescae in the County of Monaghan gent Rosse mc Laghlin mc Maghan of the parrish of Maghereclowny in the same County gent and about thirtie or ffortie more notorious rebells came in a rebellious & tumultuous manner to this deponents howse at Derryollom in the same County and then and there vyolently Knocking at the dore threatened to breake downe the same if it were not opened: wherevpon for feare of danger the dore being opened, the same Rebells rushed in and tooke away of this deponents goodes one fowling peece one brasse pistoll 2 Rapier staves & one pyke staffe, and at the same tyme tooke away a breding peece from a neighbor to whom he had lent it, And the very same day the said Rebells expulced and drave this deponent, his wife, children and family from his said howse and the tooke seised and tooke into their hands all this deponents other goods & chattells which they fownd, there & vpon this deponents Landes & groundes: which as nere as this deponent can expresse were theis & of the values following
In bookes --------------100 Leases, Lands & debts ---400 li.
houshold stuff -------- 140 li.wearing apparrell & plate ---050
Corne & haye-------- 180 li.Summa ------- 1520 li.
Cattell -----------------350 li.besyds my yearlye estate
building --------------- 300 li.amounting to----------------- 200 li. per annum
And then alsoe the said Rebells forced him and his said family to goe to the ho towne of Carrickmacrosse to one Coll mc Brian mc Maghan whoe is a Collonell amongst the Rebells: of whom this deponent demanding the cawse why they soe tooke and seised his howse and goods the said Coll mc Brian mc Maghan made answere that the act was generall over all the
<{}70 li.
{ } { }{ }50>
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Kingdome: and they wold have their owne Religion and their lands back againe from the English protestants & their goodes And that Dublin and all Ireland was then taken: and sayd they were for the King & his perrogative, becawse he was wronged by the parliament, And then the deponent and his family not dareing to reterne home stayd at a howse in that towne twoe or three dayes, three or fowre dayes: And from thence were forced to remove to a Chamber in an Alehouse in that towne, where they were all kept prisoners for fowreteene or fifteene weekes together, having noe allowance during all theis tyme for his familye, & the familie of one Mr Williams to the number of sixteen persons for six weekes of the tyme, saving onlye out of his owne stoke two beefes, eleven muttons, Three Bushels of Corne, wherof two were of growne Rye not fitt to be eaten, two burthens of Turfe a daye & a litle milke: And altho the gentlemen among the Rebels gave vs good words offering vs our house and stocke againe (which wee durst not accept knowing it to be a snare to entrape vs) yett the furious multitude Thirsting after blood were so Cruellye bent that everye daye wee expected nothing but a cruell death, which some of vs to the number of eighteen or twentie suffered vpon Sundaye being the second daye of Januarye, and that in a barbarous & inhumane maner, not so much as giving leisure to them who were executed to recommend themselfs to god.
And further this deponent sayth that one daye having <b> some conference with one Euer Mcmahon whom the Rebels in Those parts doe call the vicure generall the sayde vicare told him that what they had done was not Rashlye or vnssadvisedlye vndertaken but with mature deliberation, for the Irish had long groaned vnder the English yoake, which now they wer fullye resolved to shake of vsing the words fero sapiunt phryges, neither sayde he is god wanting to our proceedings for besyds that this vprysing is vniversall not onlye in all the parts of Ireland but also in England and other places, it is easie to be apperceived by our good successe in so short a tyme, and the secrecye in plotting & enacting adding further nec deerunt nobis auxiliares; still protesting their obedience to the kings Maiestie; and that in their campe they had decreed not to laye the foundation of their worke in the blood (to vse his owne words) either Scotorum Ecclesiasticorum, or operariorum; which decree notwithstanding within
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1035one a short whyle after was falsifyed by the death both of scotsmen & tradesmen who wer cruellye murthered at Carikmagherusse.
And saith that the names of such as were massacred at Carikmagherusse the 2d of Januarye last 1641 were are
William williams
Gabriel williams
Ithel Jones
Thomas Trane
Philip farelye
Thomas osburne
Richard hollis
Myles poolie
George Greene
Thomas aldersee
Jhon Morice
Richard gattes
Jhon Jacksone
Richard Taylor
Edward Crutchley
Rob: Boyle
Jurat primo Martij 1641
John Sterne.
Hen: Brereton
fol. 99v
Robert Boile Clark
Jurat martij. 1o. 1641.
Cert f