Deposition of Robert Browne

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:19 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-01-05
Identifier: 834103r087


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Louth & Monaghan
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Captivity, Desecration, Killing, Robbery, Stripping, Words
Commissioners: Henry Brereton, Roger Puttock
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 103r


Robert browne vicar of Sutton benger in the Countie of Wilts in the kingdome of England being Comed over to the north of Irland to receave some moneyes due to him be Mr Adam Simpsone parson of Davoneins h e in the Cowntie of farmanache: duely sworne sayethe that upon the twentie third day of october last past he was into village of Glashloche in the Cowntie of manochane spoyled of his goods of the values following
One horse woorth fowr pownds which was taken be those who come first to that village to disarme the people therof, the cheif among those who tooke their armour was one Patrik buy macguad: The night following about tenn a clocke his hatt bootts and shoes was taken from him be souldiers who come to searche the houses for concealed weapones, <a> James taithe nee re Glaslogh was commander of those souldiers, sent by turloche og oneal, his hatt bootes and shoes wer woorth 24 s.
Vpon the Sunday after the 24th day James mctoole makinnay of Trugh of the sayd Count { ie } Come and pr{e} tending <b> his right to that village tooke inventure of all goods then found init it, and tooke fro{m} him my his linning cloathes: such as best befitt him vizt: two shirtes woorth sixteen shillings fowr holland handkershifes woorth fowr shillings: and left unto him the rest that was in his cloa{ke}bag and of thirtie shillinges money I had he took seventeene, and gave him back the rest
vpon the sixteen of November which day when all the inhabitants that wer scottish m{en} in that village wer sent to manoghane goale, brian og mc hew: a servant of turloge og oneale, when he tooke away all the howshold goodes of the people: he tooke his Cloa{k bag} back wherin ther was then one cloake of black English cloath one Cassocke of turkie {tam}mine, one shirt six bandes with handcoofes two handkershifes: woorthe fowr powndes or {ther}byabouts
Theis passages I further he knoweth vizt upon thursday either the elleventh of november the makma{hans} come and violently Caried away ane English man named Luk warde (whom Neile mcKinnay {had} taken into his protectione) from glashloche to manochane: wher as his wife who followed him {re}ported the manner at her returne, they hanged him and threw him in a ditche. one of the m{ac}guads of their company stirred the sad Robert browne but rorie makmahane turlogh oges ancient caused th{em} restor his cloathes
<c> One Art mcbrian Sammoch mcmahane who pretended that land of Glashloches to b{e} his by ancient right Come and lived ther in some cowntrie house about the village, and upo{n} satturday the twentie of November, stripped all the scottes mens wifes who wer sent to m{a}chane searching them for moneys. the moneys they fownd was taken from them not their wearing cloathes: upon the 23th of november I the sayd Robert removed be a passe of Neil mcKinnaes t{o} ardmaghe: from thence he was removed to newrie be Turlogh og & frome thence to Carli{ng}foord, wher he with others wer embarked; and vpon fridday the 24 of december wer blowen by storme of weather into the Skaries, at Skeries in the County of Dublin wher frieer Johne Malone searched him and tooke away only his bookes vizt a bible whiche afterward he burnt, a greek newtestam{ent} and Baker upon the penitentiall psalmes to the value of tenn shillings <from Skaries the 27 of december he was in the sam boat sent to hoath from whence he come to Dubline a foote>
for their wordes and expressiones they runne all generally vpon this that the Puritanes (so it pleaseth them to terme them) had intended to cutt them all offe or force the{m} frome their religione: and that the papistes in England wer Joyned with the protestants and were up in armes to goe against the puritans, and the Scottes whom they sayd Deteaned the king prisoner, And it was commonly spoken by the rebels that the Earle of Antrim was the chiefe governor of the Irish in Dublin {and his brother} of the Irish in the North

Ro. Browne
{Januarij} 15o 1641 coram nobis Hen: Brereton Roger Puttocke

1 4
1 17
11 1
6 li. 14 s.>

fol. 103v


Deponent Fullname: Robert browne
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Clergy
Deponent County of Residence: Unknown
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Patrik buy macguad, James taithe, James mctoole makinnay, brian og mc hew, * makmahans, rorie makmahane, turlogh oge oneale, Art mcbrian Sammoch mcmahane, Neil mcKinnaes, Johne Malone, Luk warde, Earle of Antrim, the king
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Victim, Denounced, Mentioned