Deposition of Roger Holland

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:19 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-03-04
Identifier: 834117r099


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Louth & Monaghan
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Captivity, Desecration, Killing, Multiple Killing, Robbery, Words
Commissioners: Henry Brereton, William Aldrich
Deposition Transcription:

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That Roger Holland of glaslogh in the parish of Donagh in the barony of trowgh and county of monaghan: gent and an English prodistant aged 30ty yeares or thereabouts being duly sworne deposeth
That he was Robbed and had stolen forcibly taken from him by <a> Neale mcquoad of Donagh aforesaid and many others the 23th of october 1641 the goods hereafter menconed And that the goods soe I taken from him were deuided betwen the said Neale mcquead Neale mcKenna Turlagh oge ô Neale Brian mchugh mcMahan And many others: the true particu lars note of his meanes lands goods and Chatles soe as taken foloweth vidll
Inprymus by bill --------------------------------- 05 li. ster:
in Corne worth -----------------------------------120 ster:
in howselgoods ----------------------------------050
in Reddie mony ---------------------------------120
in gold Rings and plate ------------------------032
in waring Apparell ------------------------------040
in horses flesh -----------------------------------080
in Beefe cowes and young catle --------------160
in sheep ------------------------------------------015
by Bill from Mr Blayny ------------------------050
by rent due which they toke -------------------030
Lost by Leses of Land held
from the lo: of Boltenglass
worth ---------------------------------------------500
in freehould lands
worth per annum --------------------------------080

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He The said Roger Holland further deposeth that after he was robbed as aforesaid that he was detayned in prison with his wife and Children one fortnight in glasslogh: And afterwards were remoued prisoners by Turlagh oge ô Neales Command to Ardmagh: where hee remayned prisoner vntill the 14th of december at which tim he was dismissed by the Consent of the said <a> Turlagh Oge ô Neale and others of thee Irish Commanders: and with grate pearell of his life by gods marcie came to Dublen thee 28th of december following: and now humbly prayeth to be Rel eiued
<to the end> And the said Roger Holland further saith that dureing his Imprisonment he was credablie Informed: that there were eight and thirty persons men women and Children drownd being thrown ouer into the ryuer of the Curr Bridg in the County of Ardmagh: and alsoe saith that Sir ffelemey ô Neale vnder pretence of sending of a conuoy with many of the English of Loghgoll and plac s thereabouts the said conuoy did drowne att the bridge of pourteidowne threescore and eight persons: as he is Credably Informed: And likwise that he did see 14 or 15 killd by the Irish as he passed in the Country

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And further saith that he getting to sea tooke a boate & fryer Ma l one when he the said Roger holland Ariued at skeryes ffrier Melone that his company shot one shott at the vessell: and that the said company asked whether we had a pass or not which we tould them we had: wherevpon they replyd that yf we had not we shold all suffer: but soe sone as wee shewed them our pass they made much of vs: and tould vs that we should take noe hurte which they<T> perfomed the next day beinge Christmas day the said fryer about two of the Clocke in the after none we goeing to one Mr Cardiffs howse met with the said fryer mullone who e the said frier alighted from his horse and saluted the poore prisoners vpon which meting we applied ourselues to him and shewed him our misseries & hee told hi vs that we shold take noe harme as longe as we were with him and that he would conuoy vs safe and sound which he did performe very hon estly accordingly the next day after: he made vs stay att his owne howse and made vs very welcome but in the men tim sent downe to our bot men to make the bote redy for vs and the third day he went downe with vs to se vs a shipp bord and the bot men Refused to goe alonge with vs pretendinge a leke in there vessell: wherevpon the said fryer toke vpon a bote to goe to the bote to see whether there were a leke in the our vessell or not and searching for the leke he fownd sume some bybles and other prayer bockes: which said bockes he after Cast into the fyer: and wished that he had all the bybles in Christendome and he would sarue them all soe: and demanding of him what was his reson he asnwered that it was fittinge for euery man to haue the byble by rote rote and not to mistrucke missinstruct them which should haue it by rote and the said Ro ger this deponent sittinge by him alone demaunded of him what might be the reson of their goeing out in such manner manner as in Killinge and Robinge the english & perswad{ing}

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<This cometh in after the next leafe
5 hand
Cave hic>
<A> And for all puritants and prodistants they should all suffer but all such as went shold we turne to mass: and but few of them should be left: but they that knew of the foresaid plott which was partly the lord of Derrey: that they wished dayly for him: for he was the only man of the English which they wished best: & that if they had him he should take noe hurte: And hartily wished the last lord leftenant were aliue for if he had liued: they had liued sure enough: and would haue had all the strenth in this kingdome: and that he knew very well of there plott: which was the the caw se of the Remoueing of the peeces of ordenance out of the north: and further saith that att Carlenford when the foresaid Roger this deponent was there <c> three or fower dayes Sir Conn mc Genness sent his warant to send away all such prisoners as came from Nury ouer to green Castle: which warant was derichted directed to one John Babe being the prouost marshall direchted by Sir Conn mc Genness which prouost marshall Accordinge to his dericion sent them away which prisoners was sent for the releasinge of sume prisoners that were taken att Downpatricke: but noe sonner came the aforesaid prisoners vnto green Castle but they were all cut of: and the next day folowinge the said Sir Conn mc Genness sent a conuoy with all such prisoners as were there left and what became of them this examynant cannot tell And further saith not: And humbly disireth to be Relyued And further saith that an Owner of the a bote camen came in to Carlenford tould him that one Mrs holland was hangd by the Rebells and as she was hanging was deleiuerd of two Cheldrin and further Cannot say

Roger Holland
Jurat the 4th of March 1641
William Aldrich
Hen: Brereton

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<4 hand>
And perswading him to make peece he replyed vnless all men that had estates Lost by the Kings giueing them vnto great men that formerly were litle worth in former times vnless they had there estates giuen them againe vnder the kings broad seale that they would nea neauer yeld: And with all that if they had not the duke of yorke for there gouinor and ruler in this kingdome: and to be a papist they would neuer yeald as aforesaid: and further said that {they} would haue the whole kingdome to themselues And that they haue bine about this plote for this seauenteen yeares past: but neauer had soe fitinge an oppertunitie as now they had and the said Roger saith further that being in company with <d> Collonell Plunckett att Neury and Carlenford the said Colonelle tould this deponent the said Roger and many otheres that this said plote was for these seauenteen yeares past applotinge: and that the said fryer Malone and himselfe and one of the lord of Trimblstons sonns which is a fryer with many others of the nobiltie of the pale and in thee north knew [ ] it of long time but that others of the which nobls knew not of it but of late but as for the Rest they haue knowne of it th{e} space and yeares aforesaid: And that they said they would haue there Religion or not any: or else that they would lose both theire liues and estates: for in strenth they were able enough for he said the Irish would not fayle but stick Close to them for they fought for god and the{re} Country: for Certayne they knew that there cause was Just: and that god would not see them suffer: and that they were sure of Dublen for there was not any thinge done but that they had such freinds: that they hard out of Dublen eauery day: and as for Sir Phelemy ô Neale he made noe Account as he said of all Ireland to <T> be his owne and otheres: for that was there Intents

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Roger Holand
C. Monaghan.
Intw Cert imediate
fact non sol



Deponent Fullname: Roger Holland
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Gentleman
Deponent County of Residence: Monaghan
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Neale mcquoad, Neale mcKenna, Turlagh oge , Brian mchugh mcMahan, ffelemey , ffrier Melone, Mr Blayny, lo: of Boltenglass, Mr Cardiffs, Conn mc Genness, John Babe, Mrs holland, the king, duke of yorke, Collonell Plunckett
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Victim, Mentioned, Mentioned, Rebel