Deposition of Edmund Keating
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:19 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 123r
Edmund Keating late of Clownis in the County of Monaghan [ ] servant vnto Elizabeth ffairefaxe Late wife of Thomas ffairefaxe Late of Clownis aforesaid Clerke deceased, being duly sworne & examined deposeth That about the beginning of this rebellion the said Elizabeth hath beene robbed and dispoiled of her goods and Chattles to the value following vizt of ready money fortie and five pounds of plate and rings worth thirty and five pounds of Cattle worth forty and fowre fowerscore and eight pounds, of horses worth fourteene pounds, of sheepe worth tenne pounds, of Corne in the barne, and in the ground worth threescore pounds, of Lynnen & housholdstuffe worth an hundred pounds, in debts due to her from some who now are in rebellion amounting to an hundred and five pounds, All which sommes amount (in toto) vnto ffower hundred and fiftie pounds ster. and were taken away about the three and twentyeth daie of October last past <a> by the hands or meanes of one Rory oge mc Mahowne of the Barony of Dartrey in the said County of Monaghan and other rebells of his company whose names the Deponent knowes not
Edmund Keating
Jur 3o Martij 1641
William Hitchcocke
John Sterne.
fol. 123v