Deposition of Samuell Coren
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:17 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 142r
Samell Coren of Dromboate yeoman, aged Threescore and fower yeares or thereabouts being examined; and sworne vpon the holy Evangelist saith as followeth
That on the Two and Twentieth day of October last past at Drombote in the Countie of Monaghan Sir Henry Spotswood knight, was Robbed stripped and dispoiled of all the goods Chattells ready money and other things that ever hee had in the seuerall Counties of Monaghan and <a> Armagh by Henry ô Neale of Glastrum; Arthure ô Neale his brother and Tirlagh ô Neale sonn to the said Henry ô Neale all of them then inhabiting within the Countie of Armagh and their accomplices & adherents That is to say in ready money plate and howseholdstuffe to the value of Two Thowsand and five hundred Pounds sterling, in Cowes horses and sheepe to the value of one Thowsand & five hundred Pound sterling; And in Corne & Hay to the value of one hundred and Threescore Pounds or thereabouts And hee further deposeth and sath that Sir Christopher Bedlew alias Bellew of Castletowne in the Countie of Lowth knight, on the five & Twentith day of October also last past being Munday betwixt Nine and Tenn of the Clocke in the forenoone of the same day hee this deponent <b> did then see him the said Sir Christopher Bedlew accompanied with his owne footman Patrick o Donylin and come of and from his owne Land into and vpon the Lands and grounds of the said Sir Henry Spotswood lying and being within the Territories of Drumbote in the said Countie of Monaghan; and from thence hee the said Sir Christopher Bedlew in his owne person; his said footman and Certeine others persons being his owne Tenants did drive away to the number of ffowerscore head of Cowes & other Cattle of the proper goods of him the said Sir Henry Spotswood into the lands of him the said Sir Christopher Bedlew alias Bellew lying in the County of Lowth: And further this deponent deposeth & sayth; that hee being then servant vnto the said Sir Henry Spotswood and tendering the good and welfare of him the said Sir Henry; went of his owne accord to Castletowne being the Dwelling howse of him the said Sir Christopher Bedlew alias Bellew; and informed him that the said Sir Henry Spotswood was lately then before Robbed of his goods & chattells to a great value, and also then and there told the said Sir Christopher that there was to the value of Two hundred Pounds worth of goods of the proper goods of the said Sir Henry Spotswood then remaining in the houses and possession of seuerall of the Tenants of him the said Sir Christopher hoping by such his Complaint that the said Sir Henry Spotswood might receive some presente remedy and releife, But hee the said Sir Christopher Bedlew alias Bellew answered and said hee would neither meddle nor make nor giue noe any manner of assistance at all
Sam Coren
Deposed Jan: 15o. 1641. before us
Randall Adams
Hen: Brereton
<Monoghan Com
The deposition of Samuell
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fol. 142v