Deposition of Honorah Beamond
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:45 AM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 170r
<X> Honorah Beamond the relict of William Beamond Late of Clownis in the County of Monoaghan an Inkeeper sworne and examined deposeth and saith That on or about the xxiijth day of October 1641 when the Rebellion presente [ for ] began: Her said husband (then alive) & shee were deprived robbed or otherwise dispoyled of their Howshold goodes proffitts of a garden and the benefite of their leas there all worth xxx li. ster
<a> By Redmond mc Rory mc Mahon of the Dartrie, a Captain of Rebells in the said County, : Rory mc Patrick mc Rory mc Mahan another Captain of Rebells, & their servants & souldjers, whose names she knowes not. And att <A> <symbol> that tyme the Rebells aforesaid hanged to death Eighteene Scottish protestants on the church [ dore of ] gate of of the towne of [ Clownis ] <B> Clownis aforesaid: And at the same tyme the Rebells also there murthered one James Whithead an English protestant (whoe hadd beene a good howskeeper) after they hadd robbed him of all his goodes, & that hee was goeing a message for one Mr Willoughby: And they alsoe murthered about the same tyme one James Dunshill another protestant, & robbed and stript of their clothes, this deponent and her husband and all their children & all the protestants in the Cuntry thereabouts of all their goodes And the <I> Rebells burned this deponents howse & all the towne of & Church of Clownis afforesaid: & as she hath credibly heard the deponent sawe the Corps of sixteene protestants more all women and children nere the Corners mylne which after the Rebells there had drowned them in a bogg or ditch All which corps were buryed in one hole in the highe way nere the ditch or bogg where they were drowned <symbol> in the presence of this deponent: And after that shee and her husband were robbed as aforesaid the Rebells imprisoned them [ ] or restrained them of liberty: soe as they would not suffer them to depart out of the Cuntrie vntill about
fol. 170v
Midsomer after 1642: Dureing which time they endured most extreame want & misery: But then at Length the greate god of Mercy sent thither the Lord More with an army which inlarged them from the Rebells & brought them to Dublin where her said husband 9 dayes after djed: Leaveing her this Deponent & three poore children in great want distresse and misery
<Mr A Mr B>
signum predicti Honore
Jur 7o Junij 1643
Will: Aldrich
Hen: Brereton
Honorah Beamond Jur vijo
Junij 1643
Hand w