Deposition of William Bickerdike
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 03:09 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 76r
William Bickerdike of the parish of Kinaley in the halfe Barony of Knocknyny in the Countie of ffermanagh gent: deposed saith That about the 23th of Oct: last at 9 of the Clock in the night hee this deponent James McManus of Enneslege & his ffather Patrick McManus & Knogher McManus & Edmund McManus all <a> of Enneslege John Roche all of Enneslige in the parish of Aghalurke in Com predicti & Hugh Rely James McGuire of the parish of Kinaley in Com predicti did robbe robb and dispoile this deponent of his goods and meanes of livelyhood vizt of his proffitt s in lande freeholds and Leases worth 150 li. In Cowes sheepe and horses worth 200 li. In Corne and hay worth 80 li. in houshold goods and plate worth 200 li. In all – 530 li. or thereabouts. And this deponent And this deponent saith that hee was informed by the wife of Richard Sullyard gent who that the Rebells murdered him the said Richard because hee would not goe to Masse although a Romish preest that offered to save him had him in his Armes & wounded his the said Sullyards wife and this deponent did see the wounds which the rebells had given her att that tyme, And further saith that his wife & 2 children being stript at the towne of Navan died quickly after by famine and starving
William Bickerdicke
Jur 22 Jan 1641
John Stearne
William Aldrich
Com: ffermanagh
William Bickerdick
Jur: 22° Jan: 1641
Intrw Hand