Deposition of Elizabeth Moore
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:39 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 89r
Elizabeth Moore of Newtowne in the parish of {Drummully in the countie} of ffarmanagh a British protestant duly sworne, sayth {That on} the foure an twentyth day of October last past betweene the {the houre of} eleven and twelfe a Clocke in the aforenoone, haue been {traytorously} besett and by force of armes assaulted and robbed of and {lost} Corne to the value of twelfe pounds ster: Of Cowes miltch to{ } to the value of eyght and twentye pounds ster: Of dry Cattell {to the} number of sixe to the value of three pounds ster: Of horses foure {to} the value of sixe pounds ster: Of twelfe english sheepe to the {value} of thirtye shillings ster: Of Bees sixe old stockes besides two {young} swarmes to the value of forty shillings ster: Of Swine three to {the value} of tenn shillings ster: Of househould stuffe and Garden to the value {of} fourteene pounds ster: Of ready Money sixe an twentye pound. In Lease to the value of sixteen pounds ster: being held from T{hos} Meanes of Newtowne in the Countye of ffarmanah, Of Butter {and} Cheese to the value of twelfe pounds ster: Of due debts to the {iust} and full summe of eyght and twentye pounds fiue shilings ster: In all amountinge to the iust and full summe of one {hundreth} forty nyne pounds fiue shillings ster: By the meanes <a> {and by} the hands of Bryan McDonnell in Muneghan in the Towne{land} called the Conage, Teige McDermott of the ffeige in {the Countie} of ffarmanah Bryan McCnogher of Lathram in the County of { } Robert McDonell and Shane McOwen of the ffeige of the Countie of {fer}managh, threatninge me and my husband, in whose hands {my hus}band remaynes as yet prisoner) that they would take away { } vnlesse we departed the land alledgeinge that the land was {theirs} and theire fathers, and with Skines, and Pitchforkes and by { }{threate}ned to take away our liues. This the deponent duly {sweares} and affirmeth to be true
Jur x° January 1641
Mary More marke [mark]
John Sterne
William Aldrich
fol. 89v
The petition of Elizabeth Moore
62 Elizabeth Moore Com ffermanagh
Jur 10° Jan: 1641