Deposition of John Cox
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:59 AM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 95r
John Coxee of Drumrenybegg in the parish of Drummully and County of ffermanagh Tailor (an English protestant) Aged ffifty yeares or thereabouts, being duely sworne deposeth that he was Robed and Lost one lease worth thirteene pounds, in Corne and hay worth seaven pounds, in household goods, provition for the house & other goods worth twenty pounds in Cattle worth twenty five pounds in all amounting to the somme of three score and six pounds, By the meanes of <a> Captaine Rory Magwire of hassetts towne in the Barrony of Lurge and County aforesaid, Donagh Magwire of the Barrony of Loughtee Magharestaphany in the said county Esquire unckle to the Lord Magwire Richard Newgent Esquire father in lawe to the said Lord Magwire and other Rebellious Irish that did Rise in Armes with them to the Number of ffower hundreth or thereabouts the five & twentieth day of October last past about twelve of the Clock in the day tyme one of them houlding a Pistall to this deponents brest bade him wishing this deponent to deliuer his Cloathes presently or hee wold shoote him, And then stript this deponent his wife & Children of there Cloathes, One Hugh Ô Ratty (late servant to Henry Manning Esquire) uttering these words (vizt) wee have beene your [foot?] Slaves all this tyme now you shalbe ours or words to that purpose And further this deponent deposeth that he hath heard that the said rebellious Irish had Murthered of the English protestants (that lived in the said parish) fforty or thereabouts And that there is aboue one hundreth of the late Inhabitants of the said parish that lived in good Manner perished and dead since they were banished and put out of there habitations of the said Rebells cruelty and force And more likely to dye
John Coxsee
Deposed before vs Jan 5 1641
Hen: Jones
William Aldrich
fol. 95v
Com: ffermannagh
John Coxy
5 Jan: 1641 Jur
Intw Hand