Deposition of William Cross
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:36 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 96r
William Cross of Clankelley in the county of farma ffarmanagh beinge sworne and examyned saith that the 23th of October last he was robbed and dispoyled of his goods and Chatles heere under: named vizt
Li.s.d.Imprymus aleauen horses and mares_________________________18____00____00In cowes and other younge catle contayninge 23 hed worth______22____00____00
Corne in the hagarde worth________________________________26____00____00
Corne vpon the grownde worth_____________________________06____00____00
# 2 Rickes of hay worth___________________________________02____10____00
# in housalgoods worth____________________[103__10__00]____14___00____00
# one Lease of his farme my lande fore 27 yeares to come worth___16 ___00____00
<114 li.___00 s.__00>114___10____00
<a> this deponant beinge further examyned saith that the day aforesaid these under named persons were most barbirously murthered by Ross McGwire and Edmund Canagh McGwire and certayne other rebells vizt there were murthered
Mr Arthur Champyn
Thomas Iremunger
Christopher Linous
Thomas Champyn
Houmphrey Litleburrey
John Morris
fol. 96v
fol. 97r
And further this deponant saith that at thee tim when he was soe robbed & demaunded of the said McGwires what there reson was to vse the poore English in that bare manner they answered that what they had done they had his Maiesties Commission to doe the some And further this examynant cannot say
William Crose his marke [mark]
Deposed this 8th of Ja 1641
William Aldrich
Roger Puttocke
fol. 97v
William Crosse [53]
The examynacion
Com: ffermanagh
Jur: Jan: 8° 1641
Intw Cert fact