Deposition of Thomas Forde

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:19 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-03-16
Identifier: 835107r164


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Fermanagh
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Death, Robbery, Stripping
Commissioners: William Aldrich, William Hitchcock
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 107r


Thomas fforde Late of Droma in the parish of Newtowne and County of ffermanagh a Brittish Protestant duly sworne & examined deposeth That about the three and twentieth daie of October Last past hee was assaulted robbed and dispoiled of his house and goods and chattles by the at Droma aforesaid by the rebells there to the values followeing vizt of his houshold goods worth tenn pounds of his Cowes & other young Cattle & horses worth thirtie and three pounds at the Least, of swine and poultry worth fowerteene shillings and fower pence, of implements [useful] for a Carpenter worth tenn shillings, of oates, barley & hay worth tenn nyne pounds of his Lease of Droma aforesaid worth fiftie and two pounds, for that hee paid so much for the same at May day Last, But the Deponent cannot certainly tell the names of the said rebells in regard hee was pursued for his Life by them and had not time to view them, onely hee heard that one Hugh Macle gevery a neare neighbour vnto the Deponent tooke away <a> some part of the Deponents goods & tooke the Deponents sword, and one Tirlogh McRelly a young rebell who was a little before that the Deponents servant tooke away part of the Deponents Cattle, but after wards they were taken away from him againe by other stronger rogues (as John Braishaw who stayed a little behinde this Deponent & was also robbed related to the Deponent) And hee further deposeth that hee lost the Lease & possession of a place called Crevagh in the Countie of Monaghan the interest whereof was worth tenn pounds at the beginning of this Rebellion, And hee further saith That hee this Deponent sould fower Cowes unto one Robert Wilson & Richard Hooton of the County of Monaghan aforesaid for which they were to paie eight pounds at May day next but in regard the said Robert & Richard are both robbed & dispoiled (if not killed) by the rebells the Deponent expecteth never to receive the same, not any part thereof And hee also Lost of Corne reaped in the said County of Monaghan aforesaid worth five pounds, & of Corne in the ground at his severall houldings in the Countyes of Monaghan & ffarmanagh worth three pounds And hee further saith that hee his wife & two one children were stripped naked & sufferd such torments in theire iourney towards Dublin that he his said wife and children both all dyed And hee further saith That John Peter Maddison of the parish of Clownys in the County of Monaghan was at the beginning of theis rebellion was indebted vnto the Deponent for beare Corne the some of 10 li. and George Whittaker of Crevagh in the said County was at the same time indebted vnto the Deponent in the some of nyne pounds which somes the Deponent accounted as good debts yett in regard both the said parties are either robbbed or killed or both the deponent now accounteth the

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the same as Lost, And the totall of all his Losses in goods debts & chattles by the rebells amounteth vnto an hundred and fiftie pounds ster besides <150 li.> the Losse of his wife & children and the many tortures & daungers hee hath vndergone by ther same

Thomas fforde

Jurt 16 March 1641

William Aldrich
William Hitchcocke

Tho: fford 16° March 641



Deponent Fullname: Thomas fforde
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent County of Residence: Fermanagh
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Hugh Macle gevery, Tirlogh McRelly, John Braishaw, Robert Wilson, Richard Hooton, George Whittaker, Peter Maddison
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Victim, Victim, Victim, Debtor, Debtor