Deposition of Nathaniell Higginson

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 03:09 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-01-07
Identifier: 835117r173


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Fermanagh
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Assault, Death, Multiple Killing, Robbery, Stripping, Words
Commissioners: Henry Brereton, Roger Puttock
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 117r


Nathaniell Higginson of the Castle of Knockballymore within the County of Fermanagh gent___________________ being Duely Sworne Deposeth That about the 23th of October last in the Evening he was robbed & dispoiled at Knockballymore by Rory McGuire of the County of ffermanagh & Captaine O Donnell of the same County & there souldiers of theis goods (vizt) In money too hundred & ffoure pounds) In English cowes yong & old three hundred poundes) In Corne one hundred pounds) In houshold goods and linen one hundred pounds) In wearing apparrell & plate ffifty pounds) [ I ] In Mares & Geldings fforty pounds) In hoggs twelue pounds) paid ffor ditching and trenching & hedging ten poundes) built a kill cost ffiue pounds ) in bills bonds & Debts two hundred & fforty pounds: And this deponent w was and is by the Rebells aforesaid expulced from the possession of his f a howse and farme, where on he had bestowed great charge in building hedging & fencing his interest herein <1126 li.> being worth 100 fowerscore Powndes soe that his losses in all comen to the sume of one thowsand and one hundreth xxvjli Powndes He further saith that the Rebells aforesaid then sayd that they had a Commission or broad seale from the king for what they did and that when they the said Rebells had vanguished or over run this kingdom <T> they would goe over into England, where they would have the <T> assistance of Spaine and ffrance for over coming the same And further saith that the same Rebells haveing als stript this deponent and his wife and family of all their clothes and turned them away naked, And having gotten some other clothes from their friends at Belturbatt, he this deponent and his wife and family were about 10 days after nere Belturbat in the County of Cavan againe stript and dispoiled of their clothes by Phillip O Rely of
<this must be filled vp> within the County of Cavan Esquire Captaine of the Rebells there, and divers others of the Relyes and others [ ] a great number of, And they the saide Rebells or some of them moste greivously wounded & struck this deponent in his head and other partes of his body: soe as hee hardly escaped his life, nor is yet s ound recovered of his strenth and health And saith further saith that the Rebells of ffermanagh aforesaid within the County of Cavan they killed one of this deponents tennants and at the least fowerscore English protestants more nere the towne of Cavan and wounded hurt or stript many others and indeed as many of the English as dwelt thereabouts

S 835,

fol. 117v


And to add more misery to the poore protestants the Rebells as aforesaid killed few of them Protestants outright but left them in ditches & other places mortally wounded & stript of clothes where they languished and repyned to death the Rebells then affirming that their priest Commanded them soe to doe

Nath: Higginson

Jur 7 Jan 1641 coram

Rog: Puttock
Hen: Brereton

fol. 118r


fol. 118v


Nath. Higginson Com ffermanaghe Jan 7 1641



14 43

Deponent Fullname: Nathaniell Higginson
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Gentleman
Deponent County of Residence: Fermanagh
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Rory McGuire, Captaine O Donnell, Phillip O Rely
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel