Deposition of John Kershaw
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:04 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
John Kershaw late of Dristany of the halfe Barrony of Knockninny and County of ffermanagh lynen weaver aged fowrscore and fowrteene yeres or thereabouts sworne and examined sayeth That he this deponent about xi weeks since was at Dristany aforesaid robbed and dispoiled of his goodes to the values following vizt in cattle garrons howhold stuff & other goods all worth 50li at least: By the souldiers of Rory McGuyre their Captaine being above 30 in number whose names he knowes not: which Rebells said to this deponents son in law and others as they tould him that they wold have this deponents head, if they could fynd him as they (by his flight) did not, for otherwise he thincks they would have done it, But missing him they burned his howse & 3 or 4 more neighbours houses: The said Rebells saying that as this deponent was credibly tould that they had the kings broad Seale to take the cattle of the English and to drive them out of their lands
Signum predicti John Kershaw [mark]
Jur viij° Jan: 1641 coram
John Sterne
Hen: Brereton
fol. 124v
fol. 125r
fol. 125v
Comm: ffermannagh
John Kershaw
Jurat: Jan: 8° 1641
Intw Hand