Deposition of Barbary Maignes
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 01:51 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 139r
Barbary Maignes alias Sedbrough the late wyfe of John Maine late of Mountsedbrough in the parishe of Clonishe & Barony of Clankelly in the Countie of ffamanagh gent beinge dewly sworne before vs deposeth and sayth That the said John Maine her late husbande was in his owne & this deponents Right the 23th day of October Laste possessed of diuerse goods & Chatles vizt Milch Cowes horses & Mares & other Catle of the value of Clx li., Corne in the hagard & ground & hay worth xv li. housholde stuff Mony & plate of the value of C li. Leases & other personall estate worth threscore poundes And seized in ffee simple to them & ther heires of and in the Mannor proporcion & Lands of Lategare beinge by estimacion 2000 acres of Lande Lyinge in the parishe of Clownishe and Barony of Clankelly in the Countie of ffarmanagh of the Clere yaerly Rent of lxxx li. and was worth to be soulde 2000 li. And that the day aforesaid <a> Tirlaugh mcArte Magwier Redmonde mcArte Magwier Patricke mcDonnell and others of the Magwiers within the said parishe to the nomber of xltie persons or therabouts Cam to this deponents said house about xen of the Clocke in the forenoone of the same day and forciably bracke open the doore of the said house & went into the same & tooke all the said goods into ther hands & possession, and drove away & killed the said Catle & soe spoyled & tooke away all that euer they had, and possessed themselfes of ther said freholde Landes and Rents, and euer since haue soe withheilde the same from them. And that vpon the Tewesday followinge they & one Don Carraugh Magwier mett with this deponent & her said husbande about twoe Myles from ther said house and ther fell vpon him and greviously wounded and kylled him, Leavinge of this deponent a poore distressed & sorrowfull widowe wth a Charge of fiue small yonge Children vpon her hand, not havinge any thinge in this worlde wherwith to helpe herselfe or them, or otherwise able to helpe them Then by the Charitable benevolance & deuotion of well disposed Englishe protestants her about Dublyn wher shee & her said distressed children nowe remaneth, and further deposeth not.
<160 li.-00-00
415- 0-00>
Barbary [mark] Maigne
her marke
deposed before vs Jan. 8. 1641.
Hen: Jones
Hen: Brereton
fol. 139v
82950 Barbary Mayne Com.
ffermanaghe Jur 8o
Jan 1641
[ ] de hoc
Cert a: 1o Junij
Int w
Eliz: vawse Cert fact
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