Deposition of Morris Midlebrooke
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 01:51 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 141r
Morris Midlebrooke of Knockmakeggan in the parish of Drummully, Barrony of Clankelly and County of ffermanagh yeoman: (An English Protestant) Aged fforty fower yeares or thereabouts being duely sworne deposeth that he was Robed and Lost in Corne worth two hundreth pounds, in leases worth ffowerscore pounds, in Cattle worth ffowerscore pounds, in houshold goods, other goods in the house & husbandry geare worth fforty pounds, in debts due vpon spt spetialtyes twenty pounds in all Amounting to the some of ffower hundreth pounds and twenty pounds, By the meanes of Captaine <a> Rorye Magwire of hassetttowne in the Barrony of Lurge and County aforesaid, Donagh Magwire of in the said County Esquire unckle to the lord Magwire, Richard Newgent Esquire father in lawe to the said lord Magwire Patrick mcCollo mcdonnell of the Colledg lands in the said County gent: Art mcdonell of the same, Cormack mcfferdoragh mcdonell of Rosbrick in the parish of Clownes & County aforesaid gent donagh mcdonell of the same gent: Owen mcdonaghie mcdonell of the same gent Thomas oge Magwire of kinawlie in the said County gent Tirla mcThomas boy Magwire of the Maghery in the said County gent: with diuerse other Irish in there company to the Number of ffower hundreth or thereabouts, On the five & twentieth day of October last about twelue of the Clock in the day tyme. And the day followeing this deponent his wife and three of his Children were all Stript out of there Cloathes & left naked by some of the Company (whose names this deponent knoweth not) who held swords skeanes & picks against this deponant threatning to cutt his this deponents throate, saying that the English Protestants had kept there lands from them and hanged there Preists & ffryers in England And that they had Comission from his majestye to take the lands from the English ~~ Protestants by the sword and to banish them, which was the cause of there Riseing and doeings, And further told this deponent that the lord Magwire had taken the Castle of dublin and Storehouse, wishing this deponent his wife & Children presently to be gone otherwise his house shold be burnt over his head, vnles he & they wold goe to Masse
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And lye in Garrison with them, which this deponent refused to doe. And this deponent further deposeth that he heard that Eliazer Midleton Clerke of the peace of the said County was by the direccions of the said Captaine Rorye Magwire hanged att douagh in the said parish of Drummully. And alsoe that some of the said Captaine Rory his Company had most Cruelly Murthered to the Number of fforty persons or thereabouts within the said parish And alsoe that there is One hundreth & aboue of the said parishoners of Drummully (since there departure out of the said parish) (by reason of the Cruelly of the said Irish Rebells) perished and dead as he verily beleeveth And further the said Irish Rebells tould this deponent that there were fforty thousand stonge of there Company att or neare dublin, And that neither he this deponent his wife Children nor anye other of the English protestants cold gett into the said Citty. And further deposeth that he heard them say that the lord Magwire had beene in Scotland with the king & had the Comission from him there
Morriss Middlebrooke
Jurat 7to Januarij 1641 coram
John Sterne
Roger Puttocke