Deposition of Richard Morse

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:42 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1641-12-31
Identifier: 835143r192


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Fermanagh
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Apostacy, Death, Robbery, Stripping
Commissioners: Henry Jones, John Watson
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 143r

Vltimo decembris 1641.
Richard Morse clarke, Rector of the parish of Enismcshant in the County of ffarmanagh, Barony of Tonragh & dyocess of Clogher of the age of fyftye yeers or thereabouts being duly deposed vpon the holy Euangelist deposeth as followeth (vz) that he the said Richard Morse vpon the 24th & 25th dayes of October last 1641 about the howers of one or two of the Clock in the afternoone, was Robd, and spoyled of all his personall estate & hath susteyned great losses (vz) li.
In Corne and other prouision ------------------------------------ 30-0-0
In Cattle to the value at least of --------------------------------- 80-0-0
In houshold stuff: bookes, plate Aparrell & mony ----------- 150-0-0
In seuerall leases of lands which he holdeth
vnder the Right Tenure and tytle of the heyer
of Sir Steephen Butler, of Belturbett in the
County of Cauan knight: late deceased, (vz)
one lease of a tate of land called
Doughut, with a parcell of wood and
bog somtyme belonging to a parcell
of land called Aghadrum: for the tearme
of fourscore yeeres and vpwards &
One other lease of the two tates of land
called by the names of Killelahard and
Kilturke, for the terme of fourscore
yeers and upwards And one other Lease
of two tates or parcells of land called
& knowen by the name, & names of Derycorbry
Lehench & deregenadye for the terme
of fourscore yeers and vpwards and
one other lease of one Tate of land called
Drumgolan for the terme & during the
Minorytye of the heyer or heyers of the
said Sir Stephen Butler, all which said lands
are part of the middle proporcion of
land called Killespenan alias of the Manor
of in the half Barony
of vpper Coole & County of ffarmanagh
afforsaid. And also one lease of three
parcels of land called. Gortnespranen
Artenagh and Mullubredan, part of
the proporcon of the Mannor of mannor
Heygat, in the Barony of Clancally
and County of afforsaid for the terme
of thirty yeers and vpwards, and a
<lease of> one house & tenement in Castlecoole in the
halfe Barony of vpper Coole & County
afforesaid for the term of twenty one yeers
& upwards all which said leases at
least worth the summe of ---------------------------------------- 850-0-0
In rents also due at Allsaints past ------------------------------- 45-0-0
In debts due from the British
and Irish in the said County due
by land and Couenant -------------------------------------------- 127-0-0
Summa ----------------1282-0-0

fol. 143v

<And saith that he was soe robbed> Of all whose of his goods and Cattle & Corne afforesaid the deponent was Robbed and spoyled at his farme & house scytuate on the Tate or parcell of land called derycorby <a> afforsesayd, by & by the meanes of Captayne Rory Maguyer of Hassettstowne in County afforsaid Esquire & Captayne Richard Newgent father in law vnto the sayd Rory and his Confederats & Allyes (vz) Thomas oge Maguyer of the Barony of Kynally & County afforsaid gentl: Hugh mc Shane oge maguyer, Thomas maguyer Knogher maguyer & Patrick maguyer of Kyllelahard in the County afforesayd and as this deponent is synce credibly informed that the said Thomas oge Magwyer is now dwelling in the stone house of this deponents scytuat on the Tate of land called Doughat afforesaid, and that the said Hugh mc shane oge Magwyir doth inhabytt in one othir stone house of this deponents [ ] erected on the land called Derycorbey afforsaid, & the other (vz) Thomas Maguyer Knogher Mcguyer & Patrick maguyir dwelling on the Tate of land called Kyllelahare afforesaid & that the said maguyirs togeather with one Knogher o Mehan (somtyme a servant to this deponent) haue Robed him of his said Goods and deuided and shared the same amongst them: And further this deponent sayth that some of the company vnder the command of the sayd Rory mcguyer vpon the 25th day of October afforesayd, did in a most barbarous, cruell, & inhumane manner, stripp this deponent out of all his Apparell naked, and in lyke manner vsed his wyfe and six small Children & two seruants, leauing some of them only their smocks, and some peeces of Raggs, which hardly could couer their shame, and at that tyme did beat & wound this deponent & were lyke to haue murdred him, and in this naked & distressed manner afforsaid the sayd Rory caused his Co some of his Company to driue this deponent his wyfe six Chyldren & his seruants, and many more out of the said Towne of Castlecoole, to which they fled for refuge: from whence this deponent & his famyly afforesaid in this distressed condicion, (amongst diuers of the Inhabitants of the sayd Towne of Castlecoole & of the parish of Drumulley in the County afforesaid), trauelled to the Towne of Belturbett in the County of Cauan, where remayning by the space of one weeke, and being releeued by some of his good frends in the said Towne, did afterwards with his wife and famylie afforsaid depart from the sayd Towne of Belturbett with diuers hundreds of the Bryttish inh protestant inhabitants in the said Towne & neere vnto the same, And vpon the thyrd day of Nouember last, neere the Towne called Youghill in the said County of Cauan, this deponent & his wife & family afforesaid, were agayne vyolently & cruelly sett vpon by the Rebellious Inhabitants of the sayd County of Cauan, and there agayne strypt out of all their Clothes which were bestowed on them by their frends in Belturbett and this deponent beaten & sore hurt in his left hand and depriued of the vse of one of his fingers, by which Cruell dealing one of the deponents Children dyed, and three others being therby lame & sick & not able to trauell are left behind in the said County of Cauan to the mercy of the Enemye and knoweth not what is become of them, and this deponents wyfe and two Chyldren scant yett well recouered of as yett of their lamness & sickness which they gott had gotten by the Cruell dealing of the Irish afforesayd And also this deponent sayth that (by the meanes of the Rebellion of the said Rory Maguyer & other his confederats in the North) he is depriued of the enioyment of the proffytts of the said Rectory of Enismcsant worth eyghtscore pounds per Annum, and wherof he these deponent is, and hath byn the Incumbent for the space of three yeers past & vpwards.
Richard Morse
31. december 1641.
deposed before vs
Hen: Jones
Joh: Watson:

fol. 144r


fol. 144v


Richard Morse Clark
Com ffermanagh
Int w
vltimo dec 1641


Deponent Fullname: Richard Morse
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Clerk
Deponent County of Residence: Fermanagh
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Steephen Butler, Rory Maguyer, Richard Newgent, Thomas oge Maguyer, Hugh mc Shane oge maguyer, Thomas maguyer, Knogher maguyer, Patrick maguyer, Knogher o Mehan
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Mentioned, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel