Deposition of John Morton

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:27 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-01-03
Identifier: 835149r196


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Fermanagh
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Assault, Robbery, Stripping, Words
Commissioners: Henry Jones, William Aldrich
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 149r

Tertio die Januarij Anno domini 1641
John Morton of Port in the parish of Drummully Barrony of Coole and County of ffermanagh yeoman (an English protestant) Aged thirty two yeares or thereabouts, being duely sworne deposeth that he was expelled from Robed and lost in leasehold lands caled Port parte of the proporcion of Killishenan worth two hundreth pounds in Cattle worth One hundreth pounds in Corne worth tenn pounds, in hay worth six pounds, in household goods, other goods & provition worth ffifty pounds & is expelled from a tate of land in the same proporc ion of killishenan of the clere yerely value of <xj li. annum called Kilturk> and in ready monies ffifteene pounds tenn shilings. In all Amounting to three hundreth ffowerscore one pounds & tenn shilings, By the meanes of Captaine Rorye Magwire of hassettstowne in the Barrony of lurge and County of ffermanagh aforesaid Donagh Magwire Esquire unckle to the lord Magwire Richard Newgent Esquire father in lawe to the said lord Magwire and other of Irish persons of there company assembled in Armes the three and twentieth day of October last about six a Clock in the Afternoone, And he this deponent his wife and one Child was Stript naked by some of the said Company who held naked skeanes to this dep ts brest deponents brest, saying are yow not worthy to be kild for houlding our lands from vs demanding of this deponent his mony and said what they had done they had Authority and Commaund from the kinge for it And further this deponent deposeth that hee did see Richard Morse clerke preacher of gods word the 25th of the same month Stript naked by some of the said Rebells, And did see them beat him with Clubs and staves (after he was Stript) vpon his shoulders and back, within the Church yard of att Castlecoole alias Newtowne, But cold not heare what words they vsed being distant the being a litle distant & the noyse of the people soe great that he cold not heare them well.
John [mark] Morton
his marke
Jan. 3 1641.
deposed before vs
Hen: Jones
William Aldrich
being demanded sayeth that he is
a showmaker desiereth to be imployed
in his trade

fol. 149v


John Morton Com.

Jur 3o Jan: 1641
Intw Cert



Deponent Fullname: John Morton
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Yeoman
Deponent County of Residence: Fermanagh
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Rorye Magwire, Donagh Magwire, Richard Newgent, lord Magwire, Richard Morse
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Mentioned, Victim