Deposition of Tomison Pulsford
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 03:27 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 156r
Tomison Pulsford of Cornehome in the parish of Clones and County of Farmanagh, wyfe to John Pulsford (yeoman) (being now in Enneskillen in the said County in restraynt by this late Rebellion) of the age of 26 yeres or therabouts, being duly sworne deposeth that on the 23d day of October 1641 (her husband aforesaid being then from home) that she this deponent was then rob’d & spoyled of all their personall estate (vz) in Corne to the value of xij s. in Cattell twenty nyne pounds sterl, in housholde stuff apparell. Rings, & mony & provision thyrty seauen pounds sterl: And in the proper goods of Mrs Ann Heygate the Relict of James Bishopp of Kylfanora the value of eyght pounds sterl: in also in Hay & husbandry tooles thyrty shillings, in all the summe of threescore, & sixteene pounds two shillings sterl <a> And all by the meanes of Hugh mc Cale & others vnder the Command of Rory magiyer of Hassetstowne in the County of a afforsaid Esquire and therwith not content, butt on the 26th day of the moneth aforsaid, this deponent was most barborously & inhumanely strypt of most all her Aparell by one shane duff of Karry & others of the said Rebells whose names this deponent knoweth not; And at that tyme she heard some of the said Rebells say that the King gaue them lycence to Kill all the English men, and to stryp the women but not to kyll them
Thomasin Pulsford
Jurat: Jan: 15o 1641.
Coram nobis.
Hen: Brereton
Will: Hitchcock
fol. 156v
87684 Com: ffarmannagh.
Thomazin Pulsford.
Jan: 15o 1641.
Intw Cert f