Deposition of Charles Shorter
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 01:32 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 165r
Charles Shorter of Callahill in the parish of kinawly Barrony of knockniny & County of ffermanagh Smith Aged fforty yeares or thereabouts being duely sworne deposeth that he was Robed and lost the three & twentieth day of October last 1641 all his goods of the vallues followeing (vizt) in Cattle worth twelue pounds in hay worth twenty shilings, three houses tenn Acres of land & the backsides to the said houses belonging (parte of the proportion of dresternan) houlden in lease for twenty five fowrscore & one yeares from Mayday last, vnder the Annual or yearely rent of thirty two shilings worth thirty Seventy pounds, in household goods provition & workeing tooles worth twenty pounds in all Amounting to the some of threescore one hundred & three pounds <a> By Patrick oge Magwire of knockniny aforesaid gent ffleartagh Magwire of the same gent: donn Magwire of the same gent: John Magwire of the same gent Teila oge Magwire of the same gent & diuerse others of the Irish Rebells that tooke vpp Armes & was in Rebellion with them, And further deposeth that the said Rebells sayd that what they did they had the kings broad seale for it and that they did it for the Queene And further saith deposeth that the said Rebells Stript this deponent his wife & three smale Children of all there Cloathes And Murthered that Marye one of this deponents Children whome flieing for her life he left behind him wh om he is credibly informed to have been was after found murthered eyther by the forenamed Rebells or some other and this Deponent further saith that about the first of November last hee saw fourteen English protestants murthered by the Rebells & at that time they stripped them upon an Hill near Cavan in the County of Cavan of all their clothes and this deponent further saith that he saw the fore recited Rebells with their Complices dragge Mrs Slack widdow late wife to James Slack parson of Eniskiling into her owne house swearing they would have Armes and when Arthur Macguire servant to the said Mrs Slack tooke part with his Mistris and indeavoured to defend her from their outrages the said Rebells twice knocked the said Arthure downe and miserably beate him
Charles CS Shorter
Jurate 5to Januarij 1641 Coram nobis
Joh Watson Roger Puttocke
fol. 165v
Cha. Shorter Com ffermanaghe
Jur 5o Jan 1641