Deposition of Hugh Stoaks
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 03:09 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 174r
Hugh Stoaks of Tawnate gorman in the parishe of Clownishe Barony of Clankelly & Countie of ffarmanagh gent beinge dewly sworne before vs deposeth & sayth That the 23th day of October laste he was Rightfully possessed of in goods & Chatles as followeth vizt In Cowes, horses & other Catle to the value of Cx li. in Corne in his hagarde worth xx li. In housholde stuff worth xx li. and seized of freholde Lands worth lxx li. per annum And that the day aforesaid Edmonde <a> Carraugh Magwier Rosse mc Gilpatricke Magwier Cormocke Roe Magwier Tirlaugh mc Hugh mc Arte Magwier, Patr mc Gill duff Magwier acompayned with diuerse others Rebellious persons Cam vnto this deponents house and forsiably entred into this deponents Mantion house & possessed themselfs of the same & of all his goods & Chatles aforesaid & disseized him of his lands aforesaid being [ ] and that this deponent very hardly Escaped from them with his Lyfe, And that they haue euer sithence <A x> soe forciably withheilde the same. And that they & others of the said Rebles the same day Murdered & kylled diuerse of this deponents Neighbors and Tenants as namely Thomas Sargiant Thomas Ashton Tho: Seaton Miles Acrigg Sebastian Cottingham and diuerse others to the nomber of xxxtie persons that wer well knowne to this deponent And that he hearde some of them saye, that they had a Comission for ther soe doinge, and further deposeth not.
<220 li.
60 li. per annum>
Hugh [mark] Stokes
Deposed before vs this 7th Ja: 1641
Hen: Brereton
William Aldrich
fol. 174v