Deposition of Dorothy Talbott
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:43 AM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 175r
Tertio Januarij 1641
Dorothy Talbott wife to Thomas Talbott of Garrarouskie in the parish of Drummully halfe Barrony of Coole & County of ffermanagh nowe a souldie souldier in his majesties service att drogheda Aged threescore yeares or thereabouts being duely sworne deposeth that her said husband was Robed and lost in Cattle worth fowerscore and six pounds in Corne worth twelue pounds, in household goods provition & other goods & husbandry geare twenty Eight pounds in hay worth twelue pounds. one lease of the three quarters of the tate of land caled Garrarouskie being parte of the proportion of deriana worth twelue pounds in all amounting to the some of One hundreth & ffifty pounds, By the meanes of Captaine Rorye <a> Magwire & other Irish Rebells of his Companye whose names this deponent knoweth not, the three and twentieth day of October last, And this deponent further deposeth that ffarrell mc Corry of ffrosse in the said Barrony tincker, did take away this deponents husbands hatt & another of the said Rebells (whose name shee knoweth not) tooke away this his purse, but what was in it shee knoweth not, and that both shee & her husband by the said Rebells was stript out of there Cloathes & apparell the 26th day of October aforesaid in the day tyme & shee this deponent had sw a sword & skeane houlden to her brest by some of the said Rebells & was threatned by them to be kild & that they wold cutt her throte.
hir mark
Dorothy [mark] Talbott
jurat coram nobis 3tio Januarij 1641
Roger Puttocke
Hen: Brereton
she is old, not able to work
and desires to stay till shee see
hir husband
fol. 175v
Dorothy Talbott: Com ffermanagh
iijo Jan: 1641 Jur