Deposition of Richard Walker
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:43 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 182r
xxxo Decembris 1641
Richard Walker of Newtowne alias Castlecoole in the parish of Drummully, halfe Barrony of Coole & County of ffermanagh Groser (an English Protestant) Aged fforty one yeares or thereab{outs} being duely sworne deposeth that he was Robed and lost in leases of certaine lands within the towneship of Newtowne aforesaid worth One hundreth pounds, in Cattle worth twenty three pounds in wares in his Shopp worth two hundreth and ffifty pounds in ready monies two hundreth and ffifty pounds in Rendred Tallowe and Butter Seaven pounds, in hay worth fforty shilings, in household goods & provition in the house & other things worth One hundreth and ffifty pounds in debts dewe by spetialtyes & booke twenty pounds, in all Amounting to the some of Seaven hundreth ffowerscore and twelue pounds <a> By the meanes of Captaine Rorye Magwire of Hassett towne in the Barrony of Lurge and County of ffermanagh Donagh Magwire of neare to Magweres bridg in the said County Esquire Richard Newgent Esquire father in lawe to the lord Magwire, leiftenant William Greaham of Lisnamallett in the said County, Ambros Carleton an English man ofin the said County gent and other Irish persons to the Number of ffower hundreth that R tooke Armes & did Rise in Rebellion with the said Captaine Rory and the Rest, the five and twentieth day of October last, And further deposeth that he this deponent and one of his Children, (haveing fower in all) was by some of the said Rebells Stript & there Cloathes taken from them, wishing this deponent & the rest of the English protestants to goe for there owne Country like Roages, And haveing gotten Cloathes againe att Belturbett in the County of Cavan, he this deponent his wife & his said ffower Children were all Stript & left naked att or near Youghall in the said County of Cavan by the some of the company of Philip mc Hugh mc Shane รด Rely the third day of November last, and forced with a smale bratt about him to travell till he came to kells barefoote with a Child on his back being Nyneteene Myles or thereabouts. And further this deponent deposeth that he hath heard that the said Captaine Rory or others of his Company had Murthered & Slaine fforty of the English protestants Inhabitants of the said parish or thereabouts, And that there is att least One hundreth of the said parishoners perished and dead, since they were driven out from ther habitacions by the Cruelty of the said Rebells, which former formerly lived in good creditt & fashion
the marke of
Richard R walker
Deposed before vs this 3d January 164{1}
Roger Puttocke
William {Aldrich}
He is entred a souldier
fol. 182v