Deposition of Ann Band
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:12 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 190r
Ann Band of Rely in the Countie of ffermanagh widowe sworne & examjned sworne & examjned sayth: That since the begining of the presente Rebellion vizt about the xxiijth of October 1641 She this deponent and her husband whoe was then alive were expelled deprived and dispoyled of a the possession Rents & proffitts of their farmes which they hold for long termes of yeres yet in being in the proporcion of Aghaland worth xx li. per annum clerely besides the rent paid for the same, one yeres proffitt whereof she accompteth to be lost worth xx li. as aforesaid & she is lik to be deprived of and loose the future proffits thereof vntill a peace be established. And of Cowes horses Mares and Colts worth one hundreth fowrescore & six Powndes of Corne hay howsholdstuff waring apparell ready mony: & debts owing by the Robbed English, amounting in all to the some of one hundreth nynetie fowre Pownds ster: Her present losses in all amounting to fowre hundreth Powndes ster: besides her furture losse aforesaid, And further sayth that the parties that soe deprived Robbed and dispoyled her and her said husband, are theis all Rebells and thus named <a> vizt: Patrick Ballagh mc Corry farmer and ffarrell mc Corry farmer, and Tho: Roe mc Cory and Cale mc Cory Tirlagh รด Rely & ffarrell mc Cory & John mc ffarrell mc Cory William mc ffarrell mc Cory Loghlin Keyage mc Moraghe: Brian mc Cabba all of the halfe Barrony of Knocknyny in the Countie of ffermanagh & divers others being all souldjers & souldjers followers to Captaine Rory Magwire: whoe badd this deponent and her family depart the Cuntrie without delay otherwise they would murther them: saying they hadd good authority to take the English goods & banishe them or to that effect Since which tyme her husband went with the 600 souldiers towards Tredarth and was (as she is verely perswaded) slaine in that Martch
Signum predicti Anna
Jur 29 Julij 1642
Hen: Brereton William Hitchcocke
fol. 190v
Ann Band Jur 29o
Julij 1642
Cert fact
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