Deposition of Margery Barlow
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:28 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 191r
Margery Barlow the Relict of Anthony Barlow late of Newtowne in the county of ffermanagh ffarmer sworne and examined saith That since the begining of the present Rebellion and by vizt about the xxiijth or xxiiijth day of October 1641 The said Anthony Barlowe & shee were deprived robbed or otherwise dispoyled of their meanes goods and Chattells consisting of beasts horses howshold goods Corne hay & their interest of 2 leases all worth aboue CCC li. ster <A a> By the Rebells Rory Maquire Colonell, brother to the lord Maguire Duncarrow Maguire Captain of the Rebells Turlogh mc Thomas Boy: Thomas oge Maguire of Bowhassett in the County of ffermanagh aforesaid gent, Turlogh Ballagh of Bowhassett <I> aforesaid gent, a most bloudy murtherer Whoe together with divers other Rebells in the beginning of Lent 1641 hanged this deponents husband before her face, and alsoe hanged one John Moore John Hutchinson Gabriell Gibson Mathew Hollsworth Tho: Thrower William Seaton all att one tyme, and divers others (all protestants) which they putt to death at seuerall other tymes: And the Rebells stript stark naked her this deponent and 5 6 children: & soe turned them out a begging in frost and snowe: By meanes whereof they were almost all starved to death They haveing nothing for to eate in three weekes but only 2 old hard puckins or calf skinns (1 or 2 yeres before kild) which they bett in smale peecs & eaten with stones and soe by meere hunger eate it with the haire & all: Insoemuch as her poore nere starved children cryed vnto her to goe out & rather bee killd abroad Then ly in a hole to be starved: And the Rebells haveing gotten a great ovrthrow one tyme Did after levy another force & then they said That then they would have Enniskillin whether God would or noe
signum [mark] predicti Margerie
Jur xxvijo Ffebr 1642
Randall: Adams.
Will: Aldrich
fol. 191v
Margery Barlow Jur 27o ffebr 1642
Cert fact
hand w132 133
[112 711] 160