Deposition of Elizabeth Holmes
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:47 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 204r
Elizabeth Holmes of geglan in the halfe barony of Knocknyny and County of ffermanagh widow being sworne deposeth that on or about the 23 of octob: last past she this deponent and her husband since deceased were robbed of and lost by the hands of the rebells there viz: Donell ô Mourgha < a > and Patricke ô Murgha of Dradagh and Patrick mc Coconnoght mc Guyre and his sone Patricke mc Guyre of Cordiller in the sayd county husbandmen, theire goods and chattles following: viz: li. s. d.
Her catle and beasts_____40__00__00
In corne_____10__00__00
In hushould stuffe _____16__00__00
And the benefitt of a lease of Geglan which she had for 35 yeares vnexpyred from May next 1642 amounting to _____ 20__00__00
And the profitt and benefitt of an other lease of Derriuish which she had for nine yeares vnexpyred which was worth and came to_____ 10__00__00
In all amounting to _____96__00__00
Eliza [mark] Homesish
deposed March Aprilis 21th
William Hitchcocke
Hen: Brereton
fol. 204v
The deposicions of Elizabeth Holmes of
Geglan in Com
ffermannagh widdow
Jurat xxi° ffebr April 1642
Cert fact