Deposition of Thomas Leysance

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 01:21 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-06-13
Identifier: 835207r242


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Fermanagh
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Assault, Multiple Killing, Robbery, Stripping, Words
Commissioners: John Sterne, William Hitchcock
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 207r

23o die octobris 1641
Thomas Leysance of Mackan in the Countye of fearmangh in the Barrony of Clowneully yeoman Aged twenty foure yeares or ther abouts being duely swearne and examined saith that on the daye and yeare afore < a > saide he was robed and striped be one Redmond oge mc Keawely gentleman Morish Ballaghe mc Kassedy fflearotteragh mc Huigh gentleman and ffleartagh magweire gentleman ffellem maguire gentleman and diuers others of the parish of klineally in the County a ffore saide they being all followers and belonging to Captine Rory Magweire of all thise lands the goodes & Chattles al followeth & things following vizt of the possession & profits of
Inprimis the Thirde parte of a greate tate of land Called macken in the Barrony of Clowenally which I he hade in leise fore one and twenty yeares worth to be soulde Tenn pounds ster, and Thirty pounds in redy mony fore Cowes and younge Chattles and fore horses and meres and Coults Corne and haye and howsehould goods and foore tobes of Boutter all which amounts unto towe eight score houndered and eight pounds ster
< b > and fouther hee sayeth that vppon the Tweiseday next after the day aboue written, Charles Leysance father to the foresaid Thomas and Mr ffrances shillyart and John Cravann and younge John Cravann his sonn whoe as they weare Comeing frome there one howses towards Doubleinge a little of on this side Clowne Ally Church were assaulted & sett vppon bee Dannell mc fflannag manas and Patricke oge mc manas ffleartagh mc Huigh and ffleartagh magweire and Patrick O Logan Brean O Relly Patrick O Dowenan Pattricke O fflanagan

fol. 207v

Bee it Knowen v nto all men by these present That [upside down]

fol. 208r

< c > Brean mc morogh,
ffarell mageye
Cahelle oge
Phillipe mc manas
Edmond mc manas
Dannell magaweran
Gellernowe magawran
Thomas pursell
Teigh O Connor
Pattrick O Connor
Huigh mageye
Shane Keyernan
Cormack Reagh mc morogh
} ffarmars
all of the parish
Clownally aforesaid [where?]
all Rebells, whoe

Hee that never money had Blame him not
Though hee bee porre two much money will make a man
mad Butt I will take an order therefore D. M
. [upside down]

fol. 208v

whoe then and there murdered them moste woeffoollye with shourd and skeines Called them English dogges and Thoulde them that thee sould goe noe farther to Carrye newes into England and this deponentt had his arme almost cutt asunder
Thomas Leysance
Jurat 13 Juny 1642
John Sterne
Will Hitchcocke

Tho: Leisance Jur
13o Juny 1642


Deponent Fullname: Thomas Leysance
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Yeoman
Deponent County of Residence: Fermanagh
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Redmond oge mc Keawely, Morish Ballaghe mc Kassedy fflearotteragh mc Huigh, ffleartagh magweire, ffellem maguire, Rory Magweire, Dannell mc manas, Patricke oge mc manas ffleartagh mc Huigh, Patrick O Logan, Brean O Relly, Patrick O Dowenan, Pattricke O fflanagan, Brean mc morogh, ffarell mageye, Cahelle oge, Phillipe mc manas, Edmond mc manas, Dannell magaweran, Gellernowe magawran, Thomas pursell, Teigh O Connor, Pattrick O Connor, Huigh mageye, Cormack Reagh mc morogh, Charles Leysance, ffrances shillyart, John Cravann
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Victim, Victim, Victim