Deposition of Millicent Rogers
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 01:21 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 214r
Millicent Rogers widdow late of Latrim in the parish of Drummully halfe Barronye of Coole and Countey of ffarmanaghe an English protestante being duely sworne deposeth that she was robbed and lost in the interest of things in lease worth tenn pounds in Catle worth twenty tow pounds in Corne in the haggard & hay worth six <nyne> pounds in Corne on the ground worth three pounds in household goods and other prouision worth foure pounds in all amounteing to fourty fiue pounds ster: By patricke mc < a > Donohow more Maguire Turlagh mc Donohow more Magwire of the Maghherry Staphanye and Brian mc Knogher mc gwire of Teerhulycan all in the County of ffarmanagh That did rise and take up armes with Captaine Rory Magwire of Hassets towne in the County of ffarmanagh with diuers others which she knewe not, and likewise she the deponent was stript by another company which the deponent knoweth not ther names
Milisent Rogers mark
Jur 16o Juny
John Sterne
Joh Watson
fol. 214v
Milisent Rogers Jur
16o Juny 1642
Cert [paup?] fact
Intw hand
103 92