Deposition of John Rose
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:58 AM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 215r
24 die october 1641
John Rose of derricannan more in the parish of Gallaone in the County of ffermannagh yeoman aged thirty three yeares or theire abouts being Duely sworne and examyned saith That the day & yeare aforesaid hee and his wife & children was Robed & striped by the Irish Rebells of the County of ffermanagh they being by name Donnagh oge o Rely gent Manus oge mc Donnegan farmer James mc Manus gentleman Patrick mc Manus gentleman James oge mc Gwier gentleman all of the parish of Gallowne in the County afforesaid & others they being ffollowers vnto Captaine Roury mc Gwier whose names he knoweth not of All these seuerall goods & Chattles as followeth vizt
Imprimis one lease of Derrycannan more for fforty eight yeares yett to come value_____ x li.__0 s.__0 d. ster
Itt one lease of the Tate of Cullen being in the parish of Drummully value__v li.__0__0 ster
Itt ffoureteen English Cowes worth_____ xxxij li. 0__0 ster
Itt Nyne dry younge beasts worth _____ [vij] li.__0__ster
Itt in houshould & wareing apparill worth _____ vij li.__0__ster
Itt in hay & Corne worth_____ x li.__0__ster
Itt in debts due vnto mee amounting unto by parties robbed by the Rebells & disabled to satisfy _
vj li.__0__ster
Suma total 76 li.__5 s.__ ster
Seaventy six pounds fiue shilling ster
And ffurther the said John Rose deposeth that his sister Pheby Rose was Robed by the aforesaid Rebells the day & yeare aforesaid as folleth
Imprimis in money _____iiij li. ster
Itt in Cattle & houshould goods worth____ vij li. ster
87 li. 5 s.
Deposed Juny 2o 1642 before vs
Hen: Brereton
Randall Adams
fol. 215v
John Rolfe Jur 2o Juny