Deposition of Sara Ranson
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:56 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 217r
23 o october 1641
I Sara Ranson of fugh in the County of ffermanagh aged thirty five yeares or theire abouts being Duely sworne & examyned saith that on the xxiij th day of October 1641 & yeare aforesaid shee & her husband Richard Ranson late now deceased with five Children was were dispossed deprived Robed and striped by the Rebell Hugh Sherwood of Killrush in the County aforesaid Cormuck mc Corry of ffermoile yeoman Knogher Roe o Mullpatrick of Kilkuecke yeoman Patrick mc Corry of the parish of Kinnally yeoman, Turlagh oge mc gwier a Bayliff to the sheriff Remond mc [ ] Cosker & seuerall others of the said County aforesaid whose names she knowes not they being followers vnto Capten Roury mc gwier: of all those se u erall goods and chattells following s. d.Imprimis of the possession Rentes and proffites of one Tate of land called fugh held by lease for 40 yeares worth [vltr repr] viij li. per annum and the deponent is like to be deprived of the future proffits untill a peace be settled _____8__ 0__I tt thirty English Cowes & one bull value _____ 80 li.__0 Itt twenty young steers worth _____ 20 li.__0 I tt five horses worth _____9__0 Itt houshould stuff worth ______35__0 Itt hay & Corne worth ____20__0 Itt debts & Ready mony worth _____14__10__0
[ ] which Henry ffourdean owed this deponentes husband v li . v s . this by [respect?] in rebellionSumm [ ] – 10 s. In all 267 li. 10s. besides the futureItt and the said Sara ffurther deposeth that the parties aforesaid [ ] charged her to departe the Cuntry otherwise they would murther them all Saying that Captain Roury mc Gwier did authoriz them for the takeing away of the goodes aforesaid &c
<And farther sayth that after this deponent [ ] was soe robbed as aforesaid & gotten into a boate on the Rver nere Belturbutt to escape away with her servant William Rockett and divers others of the English; seuerall persons of the Rebells with 3 great cottes boarded them: & drowned the said William Rockett her servant: & that the names of 2 of those Rebells that soe boarded them were Edmund ô Mulpatrick & Patrick ô Mulpatrick both of the parish of Kinnally aforesaid yeomen
Sarah Ranson her marke
Jurat 22 Au: 1642
John Sterne
Will: Aldrich>
fol. 217v
fol. 218r
fol. 218v
Sarah Ranson Jur
22o Augusti 1642
[ Intw ] Ex
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