Deposition of Thomas Salt
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:19 AM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 221r
Thomas Salt of Corclare In the parish of Kinaly, halfe barony of Knocknyny And county of ffermanagh yeoman being duly sworne deposeth that on the 23 of October last past, he was robbed of and lost by the hands of the Rebells < a > there: dwelling at derrenocaly his tenents Art boy ô Muckan, Edmond ô Muckan Gilleese Mc Martin and Owen Mc Manus and theire company these goods and chattles viz:
Inprimis In ready mony_____110 li.__00__00 ster
Item in horses_____022__00__00
Item in cowes young and old_____010__00__00
Item one lease of the halfe of Mullelowne for 12 yeares to come from May day last past granted to me by John Seman_____010__00__00
Item in houshould stuffe_____ 010__00__00
In all the summe_____ 162 li. ster__00__00 As witnesse my hand this the 16 th of May 1642Thomas [mark] Salt
his marke
deposed May 26 th
Will: Hitchcocke
John Sterne
Hen: Brereton
fol. 221v
Tho: Salt jur 26o
May 1642
Cert fact