Deposition of Thomas Seman
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:54 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 222r
90523 o die octobris 1641Thomas Seman of Rellye in the County of ffermannagh weaver [ ] yeoman Agded Tweinty Towe yeares or there abouthes as being duely sweirne and examened Saith that one the 23d of October 1641 day and afore saide hee was < a > Robed and striped bee ffleartaghe mcc Thomas mcc Don Magweire and Brean mc Rowerye mc Don Magwer{} magweire and Cormuck mc Thomas Doofe mc Corye and John mc Phellem mc Corry and Oune mc Cafferry Terlagh mc kaba and divers others of the halfe Barrye of Knocknininy in the County afore saide thee beinge all followers and belongeing to Captaine Rowrye Magweire of all these lands goods & Chattles as f followeth viztInprimis of the proffits of the smale Tate of Reylye and a parsell of land Called Gole being held in ffee farume and in the proportion of Aghaland in the County afore saide vltra repris per annum five pounds seauen shillings ster: & worth to be sould fifty e pounds ster: Itt: in money and debts oweing Amounts to sixtine pounds ster: which the whole some amounts to three score and six pounds ster: and therefore the saide Thomas deposeth that the partise Aboue named whoe Robed him wished him the said Thomas to departe the Contrye without any delaye After thee had Robed him or otherwise thee would Mourther him and for the taken awaye of his and Bannishment out of the Contrye thee did Alleadge that thee had the kings Comission fore there aughtorye to take awaye his goods and all the Rest of the English mens his goods & c And further saith that he knoweth the parties hereafter mencioned to be in open Rebellion videlicet
fol. 222v
[Note: text upside down on the page]
William mc Morage of dery Coran < b > sonn to Art doofe mcc Moraghe
William mc feraghe mc Carye of Kinnine
all followers of Captaine Rorye Magweire all thise & belongeing to him Captain Rorye Magweire & of the County of ffearmanaghe in the the halfe Baryonny of Ckockniny finit per me Crea Carte Signum [mark] predicti Tho: Seman
Jur 6 Juny
Will Hitchcocke
Hen: Brereton
fol. 223r
fellamme Duf Mc Rory Mc Weher of goalen gentleman
[ ] Mc Thomas Roua Mc Weher of legen gentleman
And Torvla Mc Weher Sone to Brian of legan
And John Agaldon of legan
and garat O Rely Rorye Ballagh mc Cosse due Sirorgan
Garott O Rely of Agheolla
Anewny magweire daughter to Huigh mc Shane Boye magweire of kinmine
Edmond O Relly of Canaeeghtoragh
Patricke Ó dollan of Tirarowe
Rorye O ffrunty of drumelutt
Shane mcc ffaraghe mcc Corrye of kinmine
ffelime oge magweire of dromemully gentleman
John magwiere of derye
Phipe doofe O relye gentleman
Dannell oge Ó Mull patrick of Aghakillmadrye
Brean oge sonn to the said dannell ô mull patrick
Edmond mc gwiere of drome dery kenon
Connor mc Rorye boye of Carna magwiere
Brean mc na moye of drome many more yeomanTerlaghArt doofe mc Moraghe of dery kaullein
fol. 223v
Tho: Seaman Jur
6o Juny 1642
Intw hand