Deposition of Edward Erwin
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:29 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 241r
Edward Erwin of Ballibelfore in the County of ffermanagh gent sworne and examined saith that since in the begining of the presente Rebellion vizt Hee this deponent and his father in law ffergus fflecke was deprived & robbed & despojled of their estates consisting of Corne cattle horses sheepe Howshold goodes ready apparell and other thinges worth in all fforty poundes: & hee < 70 li. > <Mr B: Mr P> is likewise deprived of his imployment, which before the Rebellion began was worth vnto him, coibus annis, xx li. per annum: one yere and a half proffitt being lost: & he is like to loose the future proffitt thereof vntill a peace be setled: And that the parties that soe robbed & despojled him this deponent were theis that follow vizt Rory Magwyre Colonell < a > of the Rebells Donaghie Magwire Sergeant Maior to that bloody Regiment; Cormicke รด Caddan, Redmond oge mc Mahan Edmund Magwyre of Castleskey and many other soulders whose names he knoweth not, did Robb him and his ffather in lawe and their wifes and Children and there after keept this deponent in prisson for the space of six monethes thereafter w hich said tyme I & then he was remoued to seuerall prissons and was three tymes taken out to be hanged, but still escaped by gods prouidence and at last was released by the exchange of Captaine Mc Donell, who was taken prissoner by the garison of Inneskillinge
Edward Irwing
Jurat: May 15o 1643 before vs
Hen: Brereton
Edw Pigott
[Walter Walter of the said ]Cert fact
fol. 241v
Eward Erwin Jur
15 May 1643
Intw Hand
114 94