Deposition of Richard Morton
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:55 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 246r
Richard Morton of Gubb in the Countie of ffermanagh gentleman being duely sworne, and Examined vppon the holy Evangeliste Before us the Comissioners appointed for takeing Examinacions of the losses of distressed Protestants in Ireland, Deposeth that since the present Rebellion began vizt On or about the three & Tweentieth day of October 1641 Hee was Robed stript and deprived of all his goodes and Chattles, and forciably driven away, & thrust out of the possession of his landes tenementes & hereditamentes by & by the meanes of the Rebells Capten Rowry Magwier of Hassetts Towne, in the Barony of Lurge in the Countie of ffermanagh, Donnogh Magwier esquire Vnckle to the Lo: Magwier and Richard Newgent esquire father in law to the Lord Maguire with diuerse others of their treacherous & bloody followers who expulsed this Examinant from Gubb aforesaid and possessed themselves thereof, and tooke away, and deprived this Examinantof the seuerall goods & particulers herevnder mencioned as followeth (vizt) That is to say li. s. d.Imprimis Cattle worth _____80__00__00It Corne worth _____10__00__00It Hay worth _____10__00__00Item howsehould goodes Provision husbandry Geare, and other goodes worth _____
Item in lease landes worth _____250__00__00
In all _____400 li.__00 s.__00 d.
And he further deposeth that he his wife & fower children were all of them stript of their wearing Apparell neere Butlersbridge by some of the Irish belonging to Phillipp mc Hugh mc Shane รด Reley the 27 th day of October aforesaid And left Naked to the mercie of all people Cold aire
Signum [mark] predicti Rici Moreton
Jur 15o May 1643
Hen: Brereton
John SterneCert
fol. 246v
Ric Morton Jur 15o
May 1643
Cert fact
Intw hand
Robbery & stripping
[ ] [ 119?] 95