Deposition of Dorothy Rampaine

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:55 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1643-09-04
Identifier: 835247r273


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Fermanagh
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Captivity, Death, Multiple Killing, Robbery, Stripping
Commissioners: Edward Piggott, Henry Brereton
Deposition Transcription:

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Dorothy Rampaine late wiffe of Zachary Rampaine of Aghrinaghe in the County of ffermanagh gent deceased sworne and examined deposeth and sayth That when the present rebellion began That is to say the xxiij th day of October Anno Domini 1641 or about that tyme, her said husband (then alive) & shee were by force and armes at Aghrinagh aforesaid & nere the same deprived expelled bereft and dispoyled of the possession and proffitts of their landes, farmes and of their goodes and chattells Consisting of beastes Cattle horses Mares Colts sheepe ready mony, howshold stuff provision & vtensills Corne graine hay feuell & other thinges of the value and to their losse of one thowsand seven hundred and thirty poundes ster by the Rebells of that County, which (as she hath heard, and verely < a > beleeveth) are theis hereafter named vizt Rory Maguire brother to the Lord of Eniskilling, Brian mc Coconagh Mc Guire of and others of the Maguires their confederates & adherents within that County of Fermanaghe: Whose Christen names she certenly knoweth not: < x >And further sayth that about five daies after, her said husband, and John Mayer her owne brother Humfrey Holloway and Robt Wheeler all English men having procured a passe from Brian Mc Coconagh Maguire and Captain Rorie Maguire, and they being sent away with a gard of Rebellious souldjers to be carried out of the County within 24 howres after the date of the said passe, vpon paine of death: < x > They this deponentes said husband and the rest of the English that had the said passe; were all murthered within the tyme lymitted by by their said passe [ ] vpon a wyld mountaine nere Donogh Maguires how se By the Cruell & Rebellious servants and souldjers of the said Donoghe Bane Maguire vncle to the now Lord Magwire whoe left their bodies v nburied exposed to beasts & fowles to feed on: And this deponent with her 4 young children & a mayde with one Mrs Holliwood and others were stripped of all their clothes and what elce they had left, & turned away by the Rebells in frost and snowe on a Mountaine eight or nyne myles from their dwellings, in the place where her said husband and the rest were soe murthered as aforesaid: And this deponent further sayth that when she returned and came back againe to Captain Roger Atkinsons howse the howse of the said Donogh oge Bane รด Guire, and being putt in an outhouse remained

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there in their nakednes from ffriday vntill Sunday morning lying vpon old rushes & one vpon another to keepe liffe & heate in them & then being comanded away & being comen from thence to the said Captin Atkinsons house or Castle Castle where she and her husband had left some of there howshold goodes the s{aid} Brian Mc Coconogh Maguire had possessed himselfe of that howse & Castle and all the Armes provition & goodes therein And this deponent was by his Rebellious followers denyed to come into the said Castle at all or to haue any releef out of her owne goodes soe as twoe of her children were starved to death But [ ] & sh{e} glad to fly away to save her owne liffe And then she sawe her said husbandes gelding with and in the custody of the said Coconogh Maguire att his owne howse at Tempodassell: Alsoe she did see the said Brian Mc Coconogh Maguire (after he came in vpon Sir William Coles protection) to weare her husbands owne cloake which shee verly well knewe and was left with the other her husbandes goodes at the said Captain Atkinsons Castle, Which sayd Brian Coconagh Maguire is now in Dublin: & walketh vpp and downe in the streetes amongst the kinges leige people as if he had not robbed any of the English nor beene an actor in the present Rebellion at all
signum predicti Dorothea
Jur 4 to Sept 1643
Hen: Brereton
Edw: Pigott

[ ] This deponent Dorothy Rampaine in addition to her former examination further saith that her brother Edward Mayer whoe lived within 2 myles of Newtowne; one Patricke Groome a neighbour came with some company to the said Edward Meyers howse, where after eating & drincking of the best he told the said Edward that he wold possesse himselfe of his howse & estate tooke the said Edward out with him to show him a howse & garden where he should remaine, but having brought him out a dores he then and there knocked the said Edward Mayer in the head with a spade soe as he fell downe to the grounde & before he was dead then & there buried him shee further sayth that her said husband sending his servante by name Robt Akersley with a drove of cattle to be sould in Dublin he was after the rebellion begun at a Mill nere Palmerstowne in the county of Dublin seazed on by the Rebells, murthered & then throwne into the River & soe all the money (being about 50 li.) quite lost,
She further saith that by credible report there were drowned by the rebells at Lowtherstowne in the county of the number of thirty protestantes but by what Rebells she cannott tell

Signum predicti [mark] Dorothea Rampaine
Jur ut supra
Dorothy Rampaine Jur
4o Sept 1643

Deponent Fullname: Dorothy Rampaine
Deponent Gender: Female
Deponent Occupation: Widow
Deponent County of Residence: Fermanagh
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Zachary Rampaine, John Mayer, Humfrey Holloway, Robt Wheeler, Mrs Holliwood, Edward Meyer, Robt Akersley, William Cole, Rory Maguire, Lord of Eniskilling, Brian mc Coconagh Mc Guire, the Maguires, Donogh Maguire, Patricke Groome, Captin Atkinson
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Mentioned, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Mentioned