Deposition of Thomas Wenslowe
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:55 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 249r
< A > Thomas Wenslowe of Derryvore in the County of ffermanagh gent aged xxxiiijth yeres or thereabouts sworne & examined sayth That in the begining of the present rebellion vizt on or about the xxxiiijth of < a > October 1641 one James Maguire of Knocknynny & Cahill Maguire of the same in the same County gent both brothers and John mc Corry of Gartharee in the same County gent and a great number of other Rebells whose names he cannott expresse, came in hostile manner to this deponentes said house, & surprisd and ransacked the same, And forceibly tooke away from him this deponent a great number of his beastes, cattle horses howshold goods & other thinges of the value and to his losse of CCC li. ster at the least & expelled him from the possession of his land and farmes worth clerely 35 li. per annum whereof he he accompteth to be to to < 480 li. 35 li. per annum > haue lost 3 yeres proffitt wort amounting to Cv li. And they alsoe dispoyled him of debts & money worth [x ] threescore and fiue poundes, And the deponent is like to be deprived of the future proffitts of his said lands & farmes worth 35 li. per annum clerely vntill a peace be established And the same Rebells alsoe about the same tyme robbed & spojled all other his Brittish protestant neighbors in the Cuntrie thereabouts of their goodes and meanes,: & they about Christmas after that tyme those and other Rebells to the number of 2400 by theire owne expressions and as he thincketh becawse he saw them) gathered together and came to Lisgowle the howse of one Mr Seagrave: where they found about fowrscore english protestantes men women and children All which they then and there murthered burned and put to death saveing only 2 persons vizt Mr James Dunbarr & another who was a wom{an} whoe they tooke prisoners & restrained for some tyme, And togeth{er} with these protestantes they burnd the said howse: and all that escaped the flame saveing those 2, they murthered other with their swordes, pyks skeanes and other weapons, And as for him this deponent they forced him to stay among them & to doe them (as he did) some vnwilling service for about a month together, And in the tyme that he stayd with them hee was forced a Martch along with t{hem} to Lisgoole aforesaid from thence to the Castle of Monyeah, when and whe{re}
fol. 249v
the said Rebells slew and murdered viijt more protestantes from thence they Martched to the Castle of Tullogh: where by their owne confessions they promised those protestantes that were there, (which were in number about fowrscore more), faire quarter, & that they should goe away with their apparell and clothes But when they hadd deliuered vpp their Armes and the Castle, Then those perfidious and merciles Rebells: in the bawne of the same Castle, first stript them of all their cloths and then & there cruelly massacred & murthered them all: And further saith That the same Rebells & one Rory MacBrign McShane Maguire of Ramone in the County of ffermanagh aforesaid gent & his souldjers about the begining of December 1641 at a place betwixt nere Cordiller in the same County slew & wickedly murthered by hanging them to death one Gilbert Vance of Portoran gent a Scotchman: Michell Belfore of the same gent another Scotchman Edward mc Bright of the same gent And about or after that tyme they alsoe hanged to death one John Ogle < A > gent a protestant: And further saith that soe many of the parties as he knoweth & can remember to have bin acters in the present Rebellion & to haue borne armes with for and amongst other Rebells are those <b> that follow vizt Colonell Rorie Maguire: Lieutennant Colonell Donoho Bane Maguire his uncle Esquire Hugh Maguire sonn to Brian Maguire Mc Macohonut of Tempee Esquire Captaine Danell Maguire: Phelim Reagh Mc Manus another Captaine Redmond oge Maguire of Gartevally gent another Captain Cohonet Maguire another Captaine, Turloe oge Maguire another Capten fflahertie Mc Thomas Maguire of Strematt gent Don Maguire Mc Thomas of Aughundayiah gent John Roe Mc Tho: Maguire of Tatenecrenell gent Brian Mc Rory Maguire of Gartnekesh gent Tearnan Roe Mc Cue of Carowreogh gen James oge Maguire of Ballykilcome gent Tho: oge Maguire of Dromully gent Phelim Mc Patrick Maguire of Drumully gent Hugh Mc Corry of Killimakan gent, Brian Reagh Mc Corry of the same: Phillip Roe Maguire of Collohill gent John McPhelim Duff Maguire of Cordumer gentleman Cohanat Maguire of Clonally gent, all of the county of ffermanaghe
Signum [mark] prediciti Thomas
16o feb Jan 1643
Hen: Jones
Hen: Brereton