Deposition of William Clarke
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:43 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 2r
p. 423This 6 7th day of January anno domini 1642 William Clarke of Agralohoe in the parrish of Levileglish in the Barronie of onelaw and County of Ardmagh Tanner a Brittish protestant saith being duly sworne
S ayth That on or about the 27th day of october last he was Robbed of and lost in Corne forty pounds in Cattell threescore and tenn pounds in houshold goods forty pounds in monies twenty nine pounds in lether Tanned and vntanned wit{h} barke one hundred and fifty pounds in leasses for liues and yeares fouerscore pounds in debts due to him twenty seaven pounds in all amounting to 436 li. <436 li.>
ffurther he saith that the names of some part of the <a> Rebbels who Comitted the foresaid Robberyes are Owen Buy o Cullan of Derrybruckas Denis o slevin Brian mc kan and captai{n} Brian mc kan of Dalkanrooke James o Donelly Art o Devlin patrick o hagan Brian o neall William o doogan and patrick o Glackhan and the Cheife of these Rebels is Phellome o Neale knight and Turhlagh o neale Esq and Captaine Manus o Kaahan Captaine patrick o mallan and Captain Brian o kellie with divers other Captains of the neales and theire severall Companies <[for the expelling [ ] of some of [ ] ?]>
<A x> further he saith that he was by the said Rebels imprissoned for the space of nine dayes with at the least 100 men women and Children during which time manie of them were sore tortured by strongling and halfe hanging a and many other crueltye actions after which time of imprissonment hee with an 100 men women and Children or therabouts wear by the said Rebels and theire Companies: driuen kike hogs about six miles to a river Called the bond in which space of six miles the foresaid Christians were most Barberously vsed by forceing & pricking them to goe fast with swords and pikes thrusting them into theire sides and they <B> Murthered three by the way namely William ffullerto{n} Minister of the forsaid parrish and one Maister Abree and Richard Gladwish and the Rest they droue to the river aforsaid and there forced them to goe vpon the Bridg which was Cut doune in the midst and ther striped the said people naked and with theire pikes and swords and other weapons thr{u}st them downe headlong into the said river and there imediatly they perished and those of them that asayed to swim to the shore the Rebel{s} stood to shoot at
{f}urther he saith that himselfe escaped by promissi{ng} { }
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hid neare his dwelling for which monies sake they promissed him many kindnesses but after they had obtained the moni{e} being 15 pounds all former promisses was forgot: yet by the providence of god hee escaped hether through many hardships vid stripping hunger Cold nakednes imprissonment in the dungeon at Ardee with 10 more Engleshmen his neighbours
further he saith that his mother Margery Clark a brittish protestant of the age of 69 yeares of the said towne and parrish was likwise Robbed of and lost by the Rebels aforsaid in Corne v li. in Cattel xv li. in leases and houshold stuff xv li. in all amounting to thirty fiue pounds starling and her selfe as yet amongst them for anything he knoweth
further he saith that his father in law his wiues father John Wright an English protestant of the forsaid parish was likwise Robbed of and lost by the said Rebels and their Companions vid in Corne fifty pounds in Cattell one hundred and forty pounds in leasses one hundred and te{nn} pounds in houshold goods twenty six pounds in all amounting to the sum of three hundred twenty six pounds at
further he saith that his brother in law John Wright sone to the forsaid John Wright of the foresaid parrish an English protestant was Robbed of and lost about the foresaid time in Corne and Cattell and houshold goods threescore pounds at the least by the foresaid rebells
William [mark] Clarke
Jur. 7to Januarij 1641
John Sterne
Roger Puttocke
fol. 3v
5 William Clarke
Com Armagh
Jur 7o Jan: 1641
Intr hand