Deposition of Gilbert Pemerton ex parte Thomas and Elizabeth Powell
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:19 AM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 8r
Gilbert Pemerton of the Citty of Dublin gentleman souldier in the behalfe of Thomas Powell & Elizabeth his wife being this deponents Neece whoe dwelt at Armagh being duely sworne & examined before vs his Majesties Commis s oner s appoynted for this purpose sayth. That in this late Rebellion in Ireland vizt and about the last day of October last past the said Thomas Powell his Kinsman was robbed & dispoyled of a lease of 2 howses which he had for 9 yeares to come of money in his purse debts owing him by good men, howsehold stuffe and apparell in all amounting to the valew of Threescore pounds sterling
<a> And he sayth further That Sir Phelim Oneale & his followers & Rebells when they tooke the said Towne of Armagh did take away the said goods from his said Kinsman and did putt him into prison. And as he hath credibly heard, his said Neece being a pretty woman they tooke to themselues and to keepe and to vse or rather abuse her as a whore. And he verily beleeueth that his said Kinsman is eyther killd or hangd by this tyme
his mark
Gilbert [mark] Pemerton
jurat 1mo Martij 1641
Roger Puttocke
Hen: Brereton
fol. 8v