Deposition of Charity Chappell

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:50 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-07-02
Identifier: 836044r023


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Armagh
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Arson, Death, Multiple Killing, Robbery, Words
Commissioners: Henry Brereton, John Sterne, John Watson, William Aldrich, William Hitchcock
Deposition Transcription:

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Charity Chappell late wiffe of Richard Chappell late of the towne and Countie of Ardmaghe Esquire now dead sworne & examined sayth That since the begining of the presente Rebellion her late husband and she have beene ex forceibly by the Rebells expelled from their farmes & grownds which they held in lease for 60 yeres to come or thereabouts all lying in and nere Armaghe aforesaid of the yerely value of 400 li. per annum when the rebellion began: one yeres value whereof they have already Lost, amounting to fowre hundreth Powndes ster & that (her said husband being since dead) shee is Like to loose the future proffitts thereof vntill a peace be setled & that the same farmes come to their former value And this deponent and her husband were alsoe since the begining of this Rebellion deprived robbed and otherwise dispoyled of their stock of Cattle vpon theire groundes worth Nyne hundreth sixtie one pownds x s. Corne and hay in the stacks worth CCC li. Corne in the grownd worth Eightie seven powndes: Plate & howsholdstuff, worth CC li. 800 lambes worth one hundreth pownds Wolle worth C li. debts owing by djvers persons some in Rebellion & the rest robbed & disabled by the Rebells to Make any satisfaccion In all amounting amounting in all to the sume of twoe thowsand one hundreth ffortie eight Powndes And further sayth that there is owing vnto her by divers English protestants either slayne & robbed by the Rebells soe as they are disabled to give her any satisfaccion amounting in all to twoe hundreth ffiftie three pownds iiij s. & above: And that the parties hereafter named (being all actors

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actors in the present Rebellion are alsoe indebted to her this deponent in seuerall & particuler sumes of money amounting in all to the some of one hundreth fforty one powndes the names of which parties Rebells are theis vizt Hugh <a> Boy mc donnell ofin the Countie of Armagh Captain of Rebells Alexander Hoventon of Ballemeta in the said Countie another Captain Hugh Mother ô Quin of the fews gent Hugh m c Mother of Patrick Morgan of Ardmaghe chapman Mr kilduff ô Quin of gentleman Henry Neale <*> of Glasdroum = Turlogh ô Hagan of Armaghe Labourer Patrick and Thady ô Donnelle of Armaghe merchants Edmund kelly ofJohn and James Hanlon of Armaghe Millers Patrick donnelle [ More ] of Armagh aforesaid Merchant Edmund ô Donnelle of Lisdeane farmer all of the County of Armaghe & Edmund Crally of Armaghe aforesaid another captaine of the Rebells And further sayth that by meanes of the said Rebellion she hath lost divers & suffered by the wasting spoileing and burning of her howses & improvements the value of seven hundreth powndes besides many debts and other losses which shee cannott remember she haveing her debt bookes & the most of her other writinges alsoe burned by the Rebells & therefore The value <A.> whereof she cannott now estimate And further sayth that she hath credibly heard that the Rebells did murther & kill divers protestant ministers vizt Mr ffullerton minister at loughgall Mr Blith minister at dungannon Mr Robinson minister at kilmore and his wife Mr Hudson minister of desart Martin Mr Griffin Curate <1.> of Ardmaghe: & that at one tyme the Rebells took away from Armagh fortie five threescore protestants & murthered them & att a second tyme about fforty five which were by them Murthered alsoe, and that when Armaghe was burned

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the rebells burned murtherd a greate number more of protestants but howe many she knoweth not, B Many children being seene murthered and lying in vawlts & sellers whither they fled to hyde themselues And sayth that her whole present losse by meanes of the Rebellion which she can remember cometh to three thowsand twoe hundreth fforty three powndes ij s. her future losse being like to bee 400 li. per annum as aforesaid <b> And further saith that one Mr Preston sonn in lawe to Turloghe oge ô Neile vttered theis words vizt that the gentrie of Ireland on their syde did thinck much that the scum of England shoulde be here to overtopp them: And she hath often heard divers of the Rebells say that Sir Phelim ô Neile was by them made the ô Neile And the very morning that Armagh was burned the said Turloge oge ô Neile sayd in her hearing that if the English army came in behalf of the kinge hee would deliuer them the towne of Armaghe, but if they wold came in behalfe of the Parliament of England then hee would not surrender it to such as those but wold fight it out, yet afterwards when he thought thenglishe army came nere the towne, both hee and Sir Phelim ô Neile & the rest of the Rebells there suddenly ran away from thence & fledd: And further sayth Michaell dun of Castledillon in the County of Armagh is in open rebellion & carrieth armes among the rebells
Chariti Chapell
Jur 2o Julij 1642 coram
John Sterne: Joh Watson
Will: Hitchcock
Will: Aldrich
Hen: Brereton

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19 Armagh
Charitie Chappell
Jur 2o Julij 1642
Cert fact
hand w


Deponent Fullname: Charity Chappell
Deponent Gender: Female
Deponent Occupation: Widow
Deponent County of Residence: Armagh
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Hugh Boy mc donnell, Alexander Hoventon, Hugh Mother , Patrick Morgan, Mr kilduff , Henry Neale, Turlogh , Patrick , Thady , Edmund kelly, John Hanlon, James Hanlon, Patrick donnelle, Edmund , Edmund Crally, Phelim , Turloge oge , Michaell dun, Richard Chappell, Mr ffullerton, Mr Blith, Mr Robinson, Mr Hudson, Mr Griffin, Mr Preston
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Mentioned, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Mentioned