Deposition of Ellenor Fullerton

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:38 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-09-16
Identifier: 836050r027


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Armagh
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Arson, Multiple Killing, Robbery, Words
Commissioners: John Watson, William Aldrich
Deposition Transcription:

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Ellenor Fullerton the Relict of William Fullerton late Parson of Loghgall in the Countie of Armaghe sworne and examined sayth That since the begining of the present Rebellion and by meanes thereof Her said husband & shee were vizt on or about the first day of Novembr last expelled from depriued robbed or otherwise dispoyled of their meanes goodes & Chattells of the ualues following vizt of beasts and Cattle worth Cxxvij li. sheepe worth xxiiij li. Mares geldings and Colts worth xlij li. Swyne vij li. Corne worth [ ] one hundreth and nynetie Powndes Plate worth xxx li. Howsholdgoodes worth CC li. Bookes worth fowrscore pounds And further saith that her said husband & shee were by meanes of the Rebellion alsoe expelled deprived robbed or otherwise disposed dispoyled of the Rents & proffitts of seuerall leases wherein hee hadd seuerall estates & termes & termes for yeres yet in being all lying within the said County of Ardmaghe worth clerely when the Rebellion began lxxxix li. C iiij xx xviij li. Clxviij li. per annum And of arreres of rent due vnto them out of the premises & out of the seuerall Rectories of Looughgall and Darrylonan [ ] worth amounting to CCxvij li. And of divers debts and sumes of money due & oweing unto them by divers that are now actors in the present Rebellion, and by others Robbed & disabled to make satisfaccion amounting to the summe of twelve hundreth and thirtie eight powndes: Soe that her present losses in all amount to the sume of twoe thowsand five two two three hundreth pounds pounds threescore and tenn pounds fortie fowre Powndes ster besides her future losse of 198 li. 189 li. per annum which she is like to loose vntill a peace be setled <198 li. per annum 2300 li. present losse>
Anth this deponente further saith that the Rebells that were were soe indebted vnto her vnto her husband & her: & yet owe the same debts are theis that followe vizt Sir Phelim Roe ô Neile knight Brian kelly of Charlemont in the <a> County of Ardmagh gentleman owen Boy ô Cullen of Derribruckus in the County of Tirone gentleman Mr Robert Ovington of Kinnard in the County of Ardmagh gentleman & Owen ô Donnally of Loghgall in the Countie of Armagh yeoman <A> Ambrose Plunkett of vrney in the County of Catherlagh Esquire & Edmond <B> Ewstace of late of Loghgall aforesaid gentleman And further saith that in

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in lent last one yong Rogueing boy servant to Brian Kelly of 17 <B> yere old or thereabouts late of Charlemont Captain of the Rebells: publiquely gave out & affirmed in this deponents hearing that his handes were soe weary with killing of and knocking the protestants downe into a bogg pitt, that he could not lift his armes vpp to his head and then called this deponent and others fowle & disgracefull names & threatened them soe that they were faine to ouerrunn him And the said Brian kellys wiffe sayd that she wold haue this deponents hand cutt of becawse this deponent said that she had some of this deponents clothes when as indeed shee sawe them on her th e <3> back. And this deponent further saith that her said husband & her this deponents sonn John Richardson by a first husband John Ri c hardson were both murthered by the Rebells vizt her husband within a vizt moneth after the rebellion began & her sonne abou soone after the takeing of the Newry by his Majesties forces <being about the begining of May last> And that there alsoe d was Murthered by together with her husband one Mr Morgan Awbrey & Richard Gladdis and a nother that was Mr Awbreys man: And the Rebells at the same tyme by the comand of Turlogh Neile Esquire then high sheriff did drive the rest of the protestants in her husbands company & which were about sevenscore or Eightscore to the bridg of Portadowne & there drowned them And this deponent hath beene credibly told that the Rebells that murthered her husband & the rest of the said protestants at nere Portadowne or that cawsed them to be murthered were Manus Mc Cane B of the parish of Armagh gent Brian Kelly aforenamed & Edmund Roe of of the parish of loughgall laborer And the parties that were at th e murthering of her sonne, and div ers other protestants vizt Christofer <Mack & { } Hill were> Neile ô Donnelly of the parish of loughgall labourer James ô Donelly his brother whoe were instigated to those Murthers by the ladye Lord Mc Guires Lady: ) a s the said ô Donnellyes since have given out And this deponent hath beene alsoe credibly informed that the Rebells burned divers protestants in a howse together in or nere the parish of Kilmore in the County of Admaghe, And that 50 more of the protestants <d> were by the Comand of the said Turlogh Neile driven and forced into Blackwater church & being thence taken out were instantly murthered by Captaine Shane o Neile & his souldiers by twoe and twoe together And that the wiffe of the said Brian ô kelly cawsed 20 protestants men women and children to be drowned in or nere the water of Callen in that County. Becawse twoe Englishmen

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that were her husbands souldjers fled from him at the seige of Tredarth: And further saith that on a sabboth day when the Rebells burned the towne of loghgall this deponent sawe 30 or 40 of poore protestant women and children that were driven downe to a bogg nere loghgall to be drow [ ] by the Rebells & that such as had money to give them (which were but few) escaped drowning at that time but the rest were then and there drowned
<Mr Watson & Mr Aldrich>
signum predicte E Ellenor ffullerton
Jur 16o Sept 1642

And further saith that Samuell Richardson her sonn tould and affirmed to this deponent that the Rebells hanged Mr Robert Spring Late of Loghgall aforesaid & William & Abraham Marriott of the same and of vpon their owne the howse or Penthowse of William Marriott And that then the Rebells burned both the howses and the most part of the dead Carkasses of those three men: but those parts of their bodies that were not Consumed the doggs then & there eat vpp & devowred
signum predictæ E Elenoræ
Jur 16o Sept 1642
Joh Watson
Will: Aldrich


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27 Armagh
Ellenorbeth Fullerton
Jur 16 Sept 1642
Intr hand w


Deponent Fullname: Ellenor Fullerton
Deponent Gender: Female
Deponent Occupation: Widow
Deponent County of Residence: Armagh
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: William Fullerton, Brian kelly, owen Boy , Robert Ovington, Owen , Ambrose Plunkett, Edmond Ewstace, Brian Kelly, Turlogh Neile, Manus Mc Cane, Edmund Roe, James , ladye Mc Guires, Christofer Neile , Shane o Neile, Samuell Richardson, John Richardson, Morgan Awbrey, Richard Gladdis, Robert Spring, William Marriott, Abraham Marriott
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Mentioned, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Witness, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim