Deposition of John and Isabell Gowrly

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:13 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-11-08
Identifier: 836057r031


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Armagh
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Arson, Assault, Multiple Killing, Robbery, Stripping, Words, Lost In Debts
Commissioners: Henry Brereton, John Watson, William Aldrich
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 57r

John Gowrly late of the towne & County of Armagh Merchant and Isabell his wiffe sworne and examjned deposeth and sayth That since the begining of the present Rebellion vizt abou{t} the xth daie of November Last 1641 & since Hee They theis deponents were, and still are deprived, robbed, or otherwise dispojled of their meanes goodes & chattells of the value & to their present losses of hereafter mencioned vizt wares & Merchandize in his shopp in Argmagh worth one thowsand Pownds: In his shopp in Armagh Loghgall wares & Merchandize worth 200 li. Corne worth 100 li. In Cattle & sheepe worth Cxx li. In leases CCCC li. In debts due by Bonds bills and booke amounting to CCCC li. In all amounting to twoe thowsand eight hundreth and twenty Pownds And the deponent John Gowrly furth er saith that Robert Gowrlye his this deponents Johns brother late of Dunganon in the County of Tyrone (whoe with his wiffe and childr{en} were all lately murthered by the Rebells) was about the same tyme deprived and Robbed by the Rebells of his Corne Cattle & howsholdstuff of the value of one hundreth and tenn Powndes: And the deponent Isabelle saith that the names of the Rebells that <a> soe were indebted vnto them this tooke away the goods of they theis deponents are he Captain Hugh Boy Mc Donnell of in the County of Armagh gentleman Sir Phelim o Neile knighte the grand Rebell: Turloghe oge ô Neile his brother Coll kittaghe of a shopkeeper which the other gran Rebells brought thither Manus ô Cane Colonell & his wiffe Edmund Craw{ly?} of Armaghe a Captain & Teige o D onelly a merchant & divers others whose names she kno{ws} not: And theis deponents John Gowrly & his wife further say That the parties Rebells that were and are soe indebted vnto them are theis that follow vizt Sir the said Sir Phelim ô Neile knighte Mris ovington his mother: Manus ô Cane aforenamed: & many others whoe they now Remember not they being Robbed of their spialties Bonds bookes notes and writinges which concerne the same: and not haveing here theire servants & apprentices which cold manifest & did know the same truth thereof And the deponent further sayth Isabell further sayth That when the towne of Armagh & her & her husbands howse there were sett on fyre by the Rebells in Armaghe aforesaid she was strip{t}of her clothes seven seuerall tymes after she gott other clothes and at Length they left her not soe much as her smock or hairlace but left her naked: & then shee escaped to the howse of one whoe {wa}s servant to one Mr Hans Hamilton: where she for safftie

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and to shelter herself from the Rebells was putt into and kept for the most parts of 3 or 4 dayes in a hatch of Corne & then she adventureing out to her children Twoe of which hadd the smallpox visibly vpon them: she escaped privately to the Newry: from whence she came by sea to Dublin: And further saith That the Rebells when they burnd the towne of Armaghe generally slaughtered all or the most of the English the English & Scottish th{at} they could Insoemuch as twenty persons (as she is perswaded{)} did not escape: but the rest some were burned together in a { } some perished by the sword & other weapons; many drowned (after <hand> they were especially the women were cruelly wounded:) And this deponent further sayth that it was a generall Report among{st} <b> the Rebells th e re at Armagh that Sir Phelim Roe o Neile was kinge of Ireland and that hee was prayd for at Masse as K{inge} <hand> of Ireland And this deponent further saith that that shee sa{we?} one Mris Maxwell late wife to liuetenant James Maxwell & her Midwife and children being amongst many when they had beene drowned in & lay in a hole nere the bridge nere Kinard of Corr And then t{he} said Mris Maxwell was half deliuered of a Child as when she <2> was [ ] taken out of the water: & half not deliuered
signum predicti [mark] Johannis Gowr{ly}
signum predicte [mark] Isabelle
Jur viijo Nov. 1642
Will: Aldrich
Joh Watson:
Hen: Brereton

{Jo}hn Gowrly & Isabell his
{w}iffe Jur viijo Nov 1642
Int w Cert fact
hand w

Deponent Fullname: John Gowrly, Isabell Gowrly
Deponent Gender: Male, Female
Deponent Occupation: Merchant,
Deponent County of Residence: Armagh,
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Robert Gowrlye, Mris Maxwell, Phelim Roe o Neile, James Maxwell, Hugh Boy Mc Donnell, Phelim o Neile, Turloghe oge , Manus , Edmund Craw{ly?}, Teige o Donelly
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Victim, Victim, Mentioned, Mentioned, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel