Deposition of John Parrie

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:38 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-05-31
Identifier: 836062r034


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Armagh
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Arson, Captivity, Desecration, Killing, Multiple Killing, Robbery, Stripping, Words, Lost In Debts
Commissioners: John Watson, William Aldrich
Deposition Transcription:

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John Parrie late of Druernagh in the Countie of Ardmaghe gent sworne and examined deposeth and sayth That he this deponent the xxiijth of October last 1641 comeing from Connaght was surprized and taken at Monoghan by Brian Mantaghe Mc Mahowne, & Neale mc Kena Captain of the Rebells there (whoe haveing acquaintaince with Michaell Harrison sent vs with a Convoy that night vnto the howse of the foresaid Harrison: Where, and since, this deponent hath observed theis following passages vizt ffirst this deponent hath seene <hands> at the howse of Michaell Harison of Curren in the County of Tirone <a> the Comission for makeing Sir Phelim ô Neile generall of the forces of Meath signed by the lords of Gormanston Lowth Slane fowre others whose names he remembreth not And <symbol> further x saith That vpon the takeing of Newry by direccion of Turlogh oge as was reported, there were gathered together out of the County of Ardmaghe all the brittish men Inhabitants thereabouts and brought into the Countie of Tirone, and there placed twoe vpon each towne Land: amongst whom were fowre ministers to witt Mr Griffith of Ardmagh Mr Robinson of kilmore Mr Hudson of Garrison towne & Mr Berige, All which, with the remainder, (which were accompted to bee 169:) were excep murthered excepting one John Keyser Clarke of the Church of Clanfecle & Tho: Nale querister of the Cathedrall church of Ardmaghe, preserved by Michaell Harrison & alive at this deponents comeing thence And this deponent saith that during this deponents said restraint one William Dool in and George Smyth came in from Dungannon and told the deponent and others that Sir Phelim o Neile had produced a Comission vnder his Majesties hand to goe on in that action: Adviseing this deponent & others his men to fight in regard it was by his Majesties approbacion <A:> And this deponent did observe, that the said Sir Phelim o Neiles Comission to his officers & oath to their Counsell comprehended theis words vizt: for vpholding of the kinges prerogative, the manteinance of the Catholique cawse, and the banishment of all dampned puritants

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<b> And this deponent sawe in the handes of Pelomy ô Cunigan preist, a breefe of the popes bull, sent to the said Sir Phelim o Neile and his adherents: Granting full remission of all sinns to all such as shold fast one day in the weeke therein Limitted & should dy in that quarrell, And further saith that William ô Doolin whoe was at Masse with the Preist ô Cullan in the Church of Benburbe related to this deponent that the same preist at Masse tould his Auditors That the bodies of such men as died in that quarrell should not be could, before the soules should ascend vp into Heven & that they shold bee free <A> from the paines of purgatorie. And saith heard alsoe that three men were killed in the said Church of Benburbe by haveing their braynes knockt out with a hatchet And 8: women was wer drowned in a River vnder the same Church & one christop{her} a Glover in the garden of the said William Doolin by Brian ô Donnely a Runagate trooper from the lord More (whoe as by them called the lord More, And this deponent discoursing with one Edmond <A.> ô Conigan concerning the Murther of the lord Caulfeild, asked of the said Conigan where hee thought he the said Lord would be buried he answered that he knew not, This deponent replyed, sure He wilbe buried in the Church: He told me he thought not, because the lord Caulfeild was a protestant: And this deponent heard it reported by divers people in the howse of the said Michaell Harrison That on Sunday sevenight after the insureccion began: in a fryerie in the Brenterey a fryer brought forth the picture of father Phillips hanging Telling his auditors that for the Catholique cawse that great prelate was soe executed by the Heretiques with an admonition to them to stick fast to the cawse & to fight in soe iust a cawse quarrell otherwise they coulde expect noe other then the like, And <c> alsoe one William Taff in the howse of the said Michaell Harrison publiquely declared, That the Erle of Antrim had made a truce with the towne of Colrane for a month which was displeasing to Sir Phelim o Neile. Likewise the said Taffe speaking of the young lord of Evagh said he cold Love him but that his face looked English like And

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<B.> And this deponent further saith that since the takeing in of <d> Newry one Turlogh Mc Brian did hang James Maxwell Henry Cowell one Mr Atlin and his soun about 14 yeres of age & drowned the wife of the said Maxwell being then in labour by force of a letter from Sir Phelim ô Neile, which Comprehended theis words vizt Cosen Turloghe see the prisoners I have <*> intrusted you with all saffly conveyed etc, which was related <C.> vnto him this deponent by William ô Doolin And this deponent before his comeing from thence heard that one Preston was Landed with 1500 men, and armes for three thowsand more, which was related vnto him by Michaell doyne, And further saith that one Fryer Hamell laid this espertion on Sir Charles Coote, That he should say at the Counsell table That if he might have lycense, he would boile the good man & rost the good wife, and make the children suck vpon dry paps of all the Irish nation And that there was a plott for cutting of all the lords of the pale by shooteing them on the Castlebridge, as they shold come out of the Parliamenthowse & that they after came to know it by one of the Musketeers whoe sayd that that day was the happiest that euer happened to the Irish Lords: ffor had not a Countermand comen <D .> their djrection was to have shott them: And the said Hamell did likewise bragg and boast that himself <E.>had killed seven English and Scotchmen, and that they only fought for the king, and our army by direction <symbol> of the Parliament fought against the king, And that they did <c> expect his Majesties arrivall in Ireland the 15th of this May <x> And it was related vnto this deponent by one Tho: Gore (whose sister one Toby Quin had marrjed. That the said <e> Toby Quin publiquely said that he had rather see the face of Owen mc Art mc ibarron o Neyle then the face of almighty God And the Lord of Lowth most impiously sayd That if he sawe Lieutenant ffrancis More in the handes of our Saviour, or if he [could ?], he would shoote him [ ] as I haue heard And further saith, That Turlogh ô Neile (before the Lord Conway marched

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to Newry) marched thither & attempted the burning of the towne, But was hindered by the townsmen as this deponent was tould by one Patrick mc Garvy a towne dweller, And att the comeing of <3> the Lord Conway and takeing the Newry: direction was given by the Rebells for burning all English howses in the County of Ardmagh: which with the towne and Church of Armagh were burned accordingly: And the said <f> Sir Phelim o Neile with a number of men went to Tulloghe oge some six myles below dunganon and there would haue beene created O Neale But by the advise of Turlogh his brother, he was only created Erle of Tirone, The said Turloghe alledging an act against any calling himself o Neile, but not any against any being made Erle And this deponent hath heard some of the rebells vizt Brian o donnelly say that they wold willingly agree and grant Liberty to all English and Scotch to depart Ireland, vpon Condicion they would never come over againe to inhabite <4> there And saith that vpon the burning of Ardmagh the Rebells killed some such protesta n tts as they fownd in their way <H.> and after stripping them layd the sacred bible on their privy parts of some of them in contempt of the same, as William Doolin whoe a (as he told this deponent) was an Eye witnesse informed him. And this deponent further sayth that the Rebell Captaine <g> Turlogh mc art o Neile divulged openly in the howse of the said Michaell Harrison That his Majesty was murthered in Scotland. And this deponent hath heard some of the Rebells say that there was a proclamacion by which they were termed the rebells of Vlster But that by a second Proclamacion They (for feare ) were called the discontented gentrie of <5> Vlster And this deponent hath seene a writing vnder the hand of the said Sir Phelim o Neyle, by which he granteth the Land of Benburbe, the towneland of Ballilier to one Toby Quinn those lands being the inheritance of Mr Wingfeild, and many such like grants the deponent hath heard of nothing being more frequent there, And this deponent hath

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hath heard some of the Rebells say That owen mc Art Mc I Barron: was Landed in England with ffortie thowsand men: and that the queene was fled into Holland to goe to ffrance, and that they expected ayd of ffowre thosand <6> men from france with all speed: And further sayth That Thomas Chambers Esquire tould this deponent, that one Patrick <h> Carragh ô Cullan opening the sacred bible pist vpon the same, saying if I could doe worse with it I would: And sayth that one George Sexton provost Marshall to the rebells of Vlster divulged tould this deponent that if the Castle of Dublin hadd beene taken by the Lord Maguire noe blowd had beene spilt ffor they would only have held it, till they hadd obteined their owne endes from his Majesty: which they thought was as resone reasonable to obteine, as for the Scotts in England to obteine their desires. And this deponent hath heard the Rebells one whyle say that they would ioyne with the Scotts of Vlster for the banishinge of the English and another while with the English for banishing the Scotts and that they hadd in their vpon list sixscore thowsand men of their owne faction in IrelandAnd this deponent hath heard Toby Quin (about March last or there abouts) he being an old man) and others of the Rebells say that they would desire noe more, but that the warrs might be deferred till winter, for they loved not theis short nights And this deponent further saith that he this deponent hath beene & is expelled from deprived robbed or otherwise dispojled by the Rebells since the begining of the presente rebellion of his goodes & chattells of the values & to his present losse of hereafter menconed vizt: A debt due by thexecutor of George Chambers which executor namely Jane chambers
for which the said Sir Phelim o Neile stands bownd Clxij li. A debt due by lancelott Carlton of the County of Donegall of x li. Rents due at due by by the tenants there lx li. By Richard Thomas of Carrick in the same County

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the sume of vij li. vj s. Rents due at Newrie xxvj li. by the Lady of Evaghe and others --- Rents due in the County of Ardmaghe by his Tenants there --- the some of xxxiij li.: A debt of iij li. due to him by Hughe oge Mc Swyne clothes goods & other things worth Lxx li. Soe that his present losse by reason of the present Rebellion doth amount to CCClxxj li. xij s. viij d. And this deponent is like to loose the future rents & proffitts of his lands and farmes lying att within the seuerall Counties donagall Ardmagh and downe --- <103> being before the Rebellion worth 16 13 0 li. 103 li. per annum vntill a peace be established in this kingdome & then as he conceiveth the same lands and farmes will not neere raise yeild their former Rents, And further saith that he hath beene credibly informed


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I have bin credibly informed that one Rich: Suthecke was soueraigne of the Towne of Ardmagh by virtue of his Majesties charter, and that hee was diplaced by the rebells, & one Thadæus Crawly placed in his Roome, & whereas the court belonging to the said Towne did beare an action of fiue markes it was by them altered to fiue markes wanting one penny, And further sayth that The cheife of the rebells that I he hathe either knowne or heard of are Sir Phel: oNeyle. Turlogh his brother. Turlogh mc art oneale with Brian his brother. Turlogh mc Brian o neyle: Alexander Houendon: Patricke moder oDonelly. Brian oDonelly. Patricke modder oHagan Neale moder oNeale. Neale oge oNeyle. Shane oNeyle, Hugh Boy mc Donell. Brian o Hagan. Patricke o Mallan. Turlogh Groome o quin, Neale oge o quin. Murtagh quin pardoned by act in the last rebellion of Tirone. Brian Kelly: Manu{s} o Cahan Shane oge oCahan. William Taffe Cormu{ck} oNeale, & Neale oNeale his brother: Shane oNeale sonne to Henry oNeyle of the fues, & Turlogh sonne to the brother of the said Henrie. all these Captaines of or cheife of the rebells.
John Parry:
Jurat vlt May 1642
Joh Watson
William Aldrich


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Deponent Fullname: John Parrie
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Gentleman
Deponent County of Residence: Armagh
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Brian Mantaghe Mc Mahowne, Neale mc Kena, Michaell Harrison, Brian , Turlogh Mc Brian, Fryer Hamell, Toby Quin, Owen mc Art mc ibarron o Neyle, Turlogh , Phelim o Neile, Turlogh mc art o Neile, Patrick Carragh , George Septon, Lord Maguire, Turlogh mc Brian o neyle, Alexander Houendon, Patricke moder oDonelly, Brian oDonelly, Patricke modder oHagan, Neale moder oNeale, Neale oge oNeyle, Shane oNeyle, Hugh Boy mc Donell, Brian o Hagan, Patricke o Mallan, Turlogh Groome o quin, Neale oge o quin, Murtagh quin, Brian Kelly, Manu{s} o Cahan, Shane oge oCahan, William Taffe, Cormu{ck} oNeale, Neale oNeale, Shane oNeale, Henry oNeyle, Turlogh *, Michaell Harison, John Keyser, Tho: Nale, Pelomy , * , lord More, William Taff, Erle of Antrim, Charles Coote, * Hamell, the king, our Saviour, ffrancis More, Lord of Lowth, Lord Conway, Mr Wingfeild, Thad浳 Crawly, Rich: Suthecke, James Maxwell, Henry Cowell, Mr Atlin, * Maxwell, christop{her} *, lord Caulfeild, Mr Griffith, Mr Robinson, Mr Hudson, Mr Berige, lord of Gormanston, lord of Slane, father Phillips, George Smyth, William , Edmond , Tho: Gore, Thomas Chambers, Jane chambers, lancelott Carlton, Richard Thomas, Lady of Evaghe, Hughe oge Mc Swyne, George Chambers, * Preston
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Witness, Witness, Witness, Witness, Witness, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Debtor, Mentioned, Rebel