Deposition of Margrett Phillis
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:10 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 66r
Margrett Phillisps the late wiffe of Tho: Phillispp late of Kilmore in the County of Armagh Lynenweaver (whoe was slaine by the Rebells) sworne and examined deposeth and sayth That about the begining of the present Rebellion: Her said husband & shee were by the Rebells dispoyled robbed & bereft at Kilmore aforesaid of their goods and chattells consisting of Cattle horses or Mares howsholdstuff cloth & other thinges in the shopp apparell & the value of their interest in their howse & farme wor Amounting in all to the sume of One hundreth fifty one Pownds sterlinge And there were alsoe due and owing vnto them seuerall sumes for which they had bonds and specialties but how much they amounted vnto she cannott tell,: but the bonds and specialties aforesaid were all burned by the Rebells, in her owne sight, And further sayth <A> That some of the Rebells murthered her hu forceibly carried away her husband out of her sight, & then (as she hath been credibly tould & hath too great cawse to beleeve) they murthered him. And the Rebells alsoe murthered, in this deponents sight one John Phillis her father in lawe, & one Edward Meeres And they alsoe killd James Powell Tho: Downall Raphe Claiton Gregory Jackson Hughe More & his sonn all english Protestants And they alsoe killd one Mr Robinson the minister of the parrish of Kilmore & his wiffe & 3 of his children And further saith that the Rebells alsoe first half hanged and then cutt of the eares of one James Gibson to make him confess moneys & the day following they murthered him and one James Orton Tho: Edmunds John Edmonds all protestants & divers others: And those cruell and Mercilesse Rebells forced and drive into a thatcht howse, (like sheep) a greate Company of Protestants: (whom they hadd formerly robbed and stript naked) & then and there sett the howse on fyer: & therewith burned all those naked protestants saveing only twoe of them vizt Agnes Smith & Margret her daughter whoe secretly crept out of a hole from the fyer, but comeing at their comeing out of the howse: were both knockt in the head to the ground & there left in the snowe for dead: yet after, whilest the Rebells were [b yed] busyed in burning the rest with the howse: It pleased god to give them two e strength to ryse & escape away with their lives (as both the said Agnes Smith & her daughter have since divers tymes tould her this deponent, And further saith alsoe that althoughe the protestants were throng & very many within the parrish of Kilmore aforesaid: The said Parrish being
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full planted in familyes of them and as she is perswaded viijt myles square yett very few: & in deed (as she thinketh) not twenty of these protestants of that parrish escaped the Merciles hands of the Rebells: But all the rest being a great multitude, were all murthered & putt to death some by burneing some by drowning some by hanging: some famishing or starveing, the sword, torture & other cruell deaths
<Mr A Mr B>
signum predicte Margarete[mark]
Jur 15o Martij 1642
29 Will: Aldrich
Hen: Brereton
Margrett Phillis Jur
15o Martij 1642
hand Exw