Deposition of Elizabeth Rolleston

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:48 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-08-21
Identifier: 836068r037


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Armagh
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Apostacy, Arson, Captivity, Killing, Multiple Killing, Robbery, Stripping, Words
Commissioners: John Sterne, William Aldrich
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 68r

A true particu ler of such losses as Elizabeth Rolleston late of Maherlacooe In the County of Ardmagh widowe by this Rebellion. sworne and examined sayth That since the begining of the presente Rebellion vizt about the 3 or 24th of October last she was by the Rebells rob deprived robbed & dispoyled of the goods followinge vizt of
<Imprimis> In houshould goodes, Cattell, Corne and apparrell
to the valew of five hundred and twenty pownds sterling -----------520 li. 00 s. 0 d.
And suffered & was and is dampnifyed
In the burning and spoyling of her houses to the
valew of one hundreth pownds ------------------------------------------100. 00. 0
The Rents and profitts dew for the tyme past besides
the future of her lands to the valew of ----------------------------------120. 00. 0
In her landes of inheritance Contayning one thousand acres by
Pattent being concisting of the mannor of Deemore ------------------2000 li. 00. 0
worth per annum clerely CC li. & after one yere from heneforthSumma in partj
to be expired would be worth by expiracion of leases 940 li. ster
<2940 li. 00 s. 0 d.> 100 li. per annum more of all which she is like to loose the future
<The Rebells> proffitts vntill a pace be setled And that the parties hereafter mencioned are or lately were wicked Rebells vizt
<a> Phelymey o Quine with his brothers Neale o Quin, Donaghe O Quine & dennis o Quin with many others in theire Company disarmed her sonnes & seized then toke tooke theire g houshold goods and that she had then secondly Turlogh o Hanlon and Henry oge o Hanlone whoe driue away her goods & did rifled her house, Patrick Corvan stript her and her and her Children, Then Turlogh oge o Neyle Sir Phelymey o Neils brother made a warrant to send her & her sonnes and daughters to Caerlingford to be payd be putt in boates and sent to sea but two of them ran away by night to save theire liues the one being Edward Rolleston slaine by some of the Kernes of Evagh the other brother Raphe Rolleston hangd at Ruffryland And further saith that the Rebells they burned her husbands books & house & Corne Edmond o Hanlon t ogether with all the towne burned with his and she with her Children putt in prison in the Earle of Baths mill at the Clare where they weare bound with w i t hes & watcht by the Rebells Brian oge o Hanlone & his sonnes, and her three sonnes sent to Caerlingford to be dealt with as aforesaid but the governor men of Caerlingford sent them away and Richard Rolleston was shott to death by Redmond o Hanlon the fourth sonne was with an Irishman in service, but shee feared I feare made away & kild theire was by Phelimey o Quins & his brothers meanes John Booner of Maherlacooe Raphe Jepson John fullwood Richard fullwood, Robert Steephenson william Steephenson Richard Cooke all of Maherlacoo in the County of Ardmagh s h slaine most Cruelly. and John Boomers wife fetcht forth of the Earle of Bathes mill & drowned in the river of the Cowsher by ferdorrogh o hanlon P

fol. 68v

and as the Rebell told it they burned in a house at Shewie 44 men weomen and Children or thereabouts and at Legacorrey the Neales alsoe putt a housfull of men weomen and Children to the nomber of forty or thereabout and and burned them, and in the milldam drowned very < [ ] > forty poore men weomen and children or thereabout one Morninge And that Edmond o Hanlon with his ker m Rebells of orier burned the Church of Balleymore with Captain St Johns Castle and the whole towne, and h hanged James Brombley Richard Wigson and others in Balleymore as Tanereygee <b> and at the Clare Patricke oge mc Roorey o Hanlon with his Rebells hangd Thomas Tatton & his sonne william Tatton william Clay John Thomson and killd Tho: Smith John Grantham John Parker John Gr eear Mathew German John Willimott and burned the Earle of Bathes Castle which they surprised which this being donne with many more there Kild which I whose names the deponent cannot remember <&> vppon Report of the Rebell the Church at Loaghgall was after burned and with the towne and Turlogh oge o Neale burned the Church of Mullaghbracke with many more outrages that he committed And this deponent also deposeth that
Patrick oge mc Roorey ô Hanlons sonn Shaine of Corrylost Com Armagh o Hanlons sonne Shaine ô Hainlo n & other Rebells slew John Haughton and Richard Arnolde protestants And further sayth that when the Rebells had putt were to putt to death some of the protestants that had turned to their Religion they the Rebells said That then they cold pray for them but cold not before becawse they were heretiques or to that effect.
Elizabeth Rolleston
Jur xxjo Augusti 1642
Will: Aldrichmr Sterne
John Sterne

24 Armagh
A particuler of the losses of
Elizabeth Rolleston late of
Maherlacooe in the County
of Ardmagh Widdowe
Jur 22 Augusti 1642
hand w Cert fact

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Deponent Fullname: Elizabeth Rolleston
Deponent Gender: Female
Deponent Occupation: Widow
Deponent County of Residence: Armagh
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Phelymey o Quine, Neale o Quin, Donaghe O Quine, dennis o Quin, Turlogh o Hanlon, Henry oge o Hanlone, Patrick Corvan, Turlogh oge o Neyle, Brian oge o Hanlone, Redmond o Hanlon, ferdorrogh o hanlon, Patricke oge mc Roorey o Hanlon, Shaine *, James Brombley, Richard Wigson, Thomas Tatton, william Tatton, william Clay, John Thomson, Tho: Smith, John Grantham, John Parker, John Greear, Mathew German, John Willimott, John Haughton, Richard Arnolde, Edward Rolleston, Raphe Rolleston, John Booner, Raphe Jepson, John fullwood, Richard fullwood, Robert Steephenson, william Steephenson, Richard Cooke, Sir Phelymey o Neil
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim, Mentioned