Deposition of Ralphe Twyford

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:44 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-05-10
Identifier: 836077r041


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Armagh
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Robbery
Commissioners: John Sterne, John Watson, Randall Adams
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 77r

Ralphe Twyford of the Castle of Clancarney, in the Countie of Armagh esquire: beeing dulye sworne before vs the Commissioners aucthorized and appointed on this behalfe, deposeth as followeth:
Imprimis hee saithe, That at the first of this present
Insurreccion: hee hadd forcybly taken from his said
Castle and Lands of Clancarney: the number of
Seaven horse beast, estimated at the least value ---------------------xxv li.-0 s.-0 d.
Item: in Oxen, Cowes, Steeres, and younge Cattle
to the number of ffowrscore and twelue, estimated
at ---------------------------------------------------------------------------150 li.-0-0
Item in Corne of all sortes, beeing in Stack --------------------------110 li.-0-0
Item in Haye --------------------------------------------------------------020-0-0
Item in fuell ---------------------------------------------------------------003-0-0
Item in household goods of all sortes, Vizt: Pewter
Brasse, Iron: Bedding, Lynnen, etc: -----------------------------------040-0-0
Item in Plate Jewells, and wearing apparaile
estimated at ----------------------------------------------------------------050-0-0
Item Lost by the non vsance meane proffitts of his said Lands
taken from him by the Rebells to May 1642 --------------------------050-0-0
Somme totall of the losses
amounteth to ---------------------------------------------448 li.- 0 s.-0 d.
Ra: Twyford
Jurat xto may 1642
John Sterne
Joh Watson
Randall: Adams:

Deponent Fullname: Ralphe Twyford
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Esquire
Deponent County of Residence: Armagh