Deposition of Thomas Greene and Elizabeth Greene

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:26 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1643-11-10
Identifier: 836094r049


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Armagh
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Assault, Captivity, Death, Multiple Killing, Robbery, Stripping, Words
Commissioners: Edward Piggott, Henry Brereton
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 94r

Thomas Greene of the parrish of Drumcreee & County of Armaghe yeoman and Elizabeth his wiffe sworne and examined depose and say That since the begining of the present Rebellion and by meanes thereof They are and have been deprived robbed & otherwise dispoyled of Cattle Cor horses mares Corne hay howsholdgoods ready money proffitts of his Lands provision and other his goodes & chattells of the value and to their losse of One hundred Pownds sterling and above And the deponent Thomas Greene hardly escaped away with his liffe but the other deponent and her 6 Children were all left amongst the Rebells & were soe stript of their clothes and hungar starved that 4 of t he m the children dyed, the fift child being a yong maide of about 15 yeres of age, had as this deponent hath as this deponent Eliz abeth hath credibly heard her back broken and of that & meere starveing alsoe died And she this deponent Eliz abeth being putt to begg amongst the merciles rebells vp and downe the Cuntry for about A yeer eight months together shee at Length was rescowed from them by the Scottish army But saith that dureing her stay amongst them she observed and sawe knew when the Rebells Hugh McBrian m c Cann of Clancann in the parrish of Drumcree aforesaid gent Hugh oge mc <a>Hugh mcBrian mcCann a Rebell Captain Toole mcCann another of their Captains and divers others vnder the Comand of Sir Phelim ô Neile Knighte & of the said other Captains did drowne in a bogg hole called Roghan bog within the parish of Drumcree <1.> aforesaid seventeene men women and children protestants at one tyme And about 3 dayes before that tyme that is to say in November 1641 the Rebells drowned at Portadowne bridge at one tyme 155 Protestants or thereabouts. And the Rebells alsoe at severall tymes murthered killd & distroyed the most of the protestants in the parish of Drumcree being very many in number and about 300 Comunicants, and in Deed the most of the protestants in all of the Cuntry thereabouts the Rebells distroyed and murthered by drowning burning hanging the sword starveing & by other deathes exposeing their slaughtered bodies to be devowred by doggs swyne &

fol. 94v

and other Ravenous creatures And this deponent Elizabeth divers tymes saw the doggs eate & feed vpon those dead Carkasses, and heard the Rebells in their songs & discourse expresse that the English were meate <2> for the Doggs: And saith that it was a Common report amongst the Rebells in the County of Armagh that the said Sir Phelim ô Neile should be King of Ireland & that there should not a dropp of English bloud be left within the Kingdome of Ireland, but that they would destroy all to the very English children whom they called English Bastards And further saith that for some little tyme after the Rebellion begun the Rebells imployed many of the English to plow till & sowe till & their grounds and to thrash and doe other works: But when those works were finished they then they murthered them all <3.> And shee is verely perswaded that the Rebells att severall tymes and places within the County of Armagh drowned above fowre thowsand protestants spareing neither age nor sex but by some meanes destroying them & inforcing the sonns and daughters of those very aged people that were not able to goe of themselves to carry take them to drowning especially in the River of Toll bridge nere the bridge in the parrish of Loghgall And she the deponent heard many of the Rebells say and confesse that some visions or apparitions were often beheld at the River of Portadowne And that the carcasse of one of the men protestants drowned there would by noe meanes be gotten to sinck nor to goe away with the streame but stayd in one place in the water vntill some of the English by name Tho: Hopkinson of Portadowne tanner & others with a boate fetched away the bodie & buried it, which said Tho: Hopkinson & his assistants therein the Rebells soone after hanged for their paynes
<Dr J mr A mr B. mr P>
The mark [mark] of the said Tho: Greene
The mark [mark] of the said Elizabeth
Jur 10o Novembris 1643
Edw Pigott
Hen: Brereton

Tho: Greene & Elizabeth his wiffe
Jur 10 Nov: 1643
Intw hand>

Deponent Fullname: Thomas Greene, Elizabeth Greene
Deponent Gender: Male, Female
Deponent Occupation: Yeoman, Wife
Deponent County of Residence: Armagh,
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Hugh McBrian mc Cann, Hugh oge mc *, Toole mcCann, Phelim , Tho: Hopkinson
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Victim