Deposition of Katherin O’Kerrie
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:47 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 97r
Katherin the wiffe of Patrick ô Kerrie late of Loghgall in the County of Armaghe Tanner sworne & examined sayth: That shee this deponent about the begining of lent was twelvemonth being in company with Mr Lawrence Robinson Parson of Kilmore & his wiffe & William Robinson his brother & others Att the howse of Edward Taylor in Loghgall aforesaid One of the servants of that howse then and there fetched & brought in some water from a current or streame nere the said howse which runeth from the Lowgh there: which water seemed to bee bloudie before it was vsed, And saith that one John Darbishyre vpon sight of the water went to the streame & fownd the water thereof to appeare bloi d bloudie all along to and at the head thereof vnto in the Lowgh as h e e to u ld her yet said hee neither could fynd nor see any one either man or beast slaine or wounded in the same: And also sayth that one Captaine Kelly a Rebell & many others of the Rebells t hat that saw that water were as t he y said affrayd to see it beare that cullour thinking it to presage some mischeef to themsel u es And thereupon went to one Hugh Goodall an ould English papist to aske his <a> counsell and conceite of the same: Wherevpon hee tould them That that water presaged a great mischeefe & shedding of the English blowd: And therefore incorraged the irish to goe on against them: Saying that the irish cawse was a good one, and that they needed not to feare: And afterwardes the irish (whether in pursuite of his counsell or and to fulfill his presage supposed prophecie shee cannott tell,) eagerly sett vpon the protestants that were left thereabouts and slaughtered and putt them to death. And further saith That divers others that went vpp to see the streame or current aforesaid reported alsoe that it seemed all to bee bloudie
Signum predicte Katherine
Jur 19o July 1643
John Watson:
Hen: Brereton.
Will: Aldrich
fol. 97v
Katherin ô Kerrie
Jur 21o Junij 1643
Intw hand w